
Hands on Computer Keys

Online Library 

The Biometric Center of Excellence (BCOE) will continue to add resources such as reports and presentations to this site and will eventually provide a collaboration tool for registered users.

Conferences and Events 

The BCOE regularly participates in various biometric conferences and events to ensure the FBI is coordinated with interagency biometric activities. The BCOE’s mission is to foster collaboration, improve information sharing, and advance the adoption of optimal biometric and identity management solutions within the FBI and across the law enforcement and national security communities. Collaboration is an essential part of our work. Visit the external sites below for more information.

Documents and Reports

Accuracy and Reliability of Forensic Latent Fingerprint Decisions Report

This report details results of an FBI/Noblis research study, which focused on measuring the accuracy and reliability of latent fingerprint examiners’ decisions.

The National Biometrics Challenge, September 2011 

During the last five years, evolving mission needs, coupled with advances in technology, have necessitated a new look at biometric priorities. This 2011 update to The National Biometrics Challenge examines the many advances made as government, academia, and the private sector have collaboratively responded to the priorities identified in 2006. It also delineates some of the challenges that, five years later, have yet to be fully addressed—and offers some new goals that might previously have seemed beyond reasonable hope of being attained but that today appear achievable in light of new technologies.

National Institute of Standards and Technology: Steering Committee Report, Version 0.1

U.S. Government Interagency Symposium for Investigatory Voice Biometrics: Interoperability Committee Report, Version 1.0

U.S. Government Interagency Symposium for Investigatory Voice Biometrics: Use Case Committee Report, Version 1.0

State-of-the-Art Biometric Excellence Roadmap (SABER) Report

The BCOE is pleased to share the results of an independent assessment of biometric technology completed in June 2008 by the MITRE Corporation. This technology assessment is a critical component of a comprehensive study entitled the SABER Report. It gauges the technical maturity of biometric modalities and evaluates the potential for expanding the FBI’s Certified Products List as these modalities mature.


Biometrics: A Decade of Progress Since 9/11

Since the events on September 11, 2001, the biometric community has made vast technological improvements in protecting the United States and its borders. This video provides an overview of the advancements in biometric technology across the federal government since 9/11. 

Caught on Camera: Best Practices for CCTV Systems

To learn more about how closed-circuit security cameras can aid law enforcement investigations, please view the following 20-minute instructional video.

Related Links 

The Biometrics Center of Excellence (BCOE) provides links to other organizations solely for your information and convenience. When selecting a link outside of this website, you are subject to the policies of that particular site. is the central source of information on biometrics-related activities of the federal government. A sister site,, provides opportunities for discussion and was developed to encourage greater collaboration and sharing of information on biometric activities among government departments and agencies; commercial entities; state, regional, and international organizations; and the general public.

The FBI’s website is a great way to learn all about the Bureau. You can contact the FBI, get news about the Bureau, and learn about everything from laboratories to our 100-year history.

National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)

NSTC is the principle means within the executive branch to coordinate science and technology policy across the diverse entities that make up the federal research and development enterprise. The BCOE regularly participates in the NSTC’s Subcommittee on Biometrics and Identity Management to ensure the FBI is coordinated with interagency biometric activities to promote interoperability and reduce redundancies.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) of the United States of America

The PNAS is a multidisciplinary scientific serial. It publishes research reports, commentaries, reviews, perspectives, colloquium papers, and actions of the Academy. Coverage in the PNAS spans the biological, physical, and social sciences.

Biometrics Analyst

State-of-the-Art Biometric Excellence
Roadmap (SABER) Report 

The FBI Biometric Center of Excellence (BCOE) is pleased to share the results of an independent assessment of biometric technology the MITRE Corporation completed in June 2008. This technology assessment is a critical component of a comprehensive study entitled the SABER Report. It gauges the technical maturity of biometric modalities and evaluates the potential for expanding the FBI’s Certified Products List as these modalities mature.

The technology assessments are thorough reviews of the state-of-the-art in biometric modalities in three volumes. From fingerprints to vascular recognition and from applications to vulnerabilities, the tech assessments examine the current state of biometric technologies. This 10 month assessment involved an extensive survey of the market and industry, biometric technologies, current products, systems, independent performance evaluations, standards, and an overview of select research activities.

As we move forward, it is critical to ensure a coordinated effort across our community to effectively harness the benefits of emerging biometric technologies to support our nation’s law enforcement and intelligence missions, while protecting the privacy rights of individuals. The publication of the SABER Technology Assessment represents part of our information sharing efforts.

Your comments are important to us. To provide feedback on the SABER Report, please contact

Learn More:

Download Tech Assessment
- Vol. 1 (pdf)
- Vol. 2 (pdf)
- Vol. 3 (pdf)

Certified Product List Expansion (pdf)

SABER Press Release