
APS publications serve the international physics community with peer-reviewed research journals, news and commentary about the latest research published in the APS journals, news about and for members, information about physics and its place in the world, and blogs covering science policy, as well as fun and educational science news.

APS Journals

The APS journal collection of 12 leading peer-reviewed research journals includes Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Physical Review, and Reviews of Modern Physics.

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Physics provides daily news and commentary about a selection of papers from the APS journal collection with explanations that don’t rely on jargon and technical detail.

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APS News

APS News contains the news of APS and its units, as well as reports, announcements, and opinions from the society and its members.
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Bulletin of the American Physical Society

The technical programs of APS general and various unit meetings of the Society.
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Physics Today

Physics Today, published by the American Institute of Physics and provided to APS members as a member benefit, informs readers about science and its place in the world with authoritative feature articles, news stories, and analyses.
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Unit Newsletters

Many units publish newsletters to keep members informed of their activities.
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