Society Governance

APS is a membership organization. The Presidential line is elected by the entire membership and consists of four persons, who rotate through one-year terms as Vice President, President-Elect, President, and Past President.

The President presides over the Board of Directors, which has the ultimate responsibility for the actions of the Society. The Board of Directors consists of the Presidential Line, the Treasurer, and nine Councilors (including the Speaker of the Council), elected by the Council.  Between meetings of the Board, the Board Executive Committee, consisting of the Presidential Line, CEO, Speaker of the Council, and the Treasurer, meet at regular intervals as necessary.

The Speaker of the Council presides over the Council of Representatives and is elected from the Council. The Council consists of four General Councilors, four International Councilors, the Treasurer, and Councilors representing the Divisions, Forums, and Sections. The focus of the Council is on all matters of science and membership, including science policy.  Activities of the Council are planned and organized by the Council Steering Committee.  The Council Steering Committee consists of four elected Councilors, the Speaker, the President-Elect, and the CEO, and meets frequently between Council meetings.

The Society is dependent on the assistance of hundreds of volunteers, who serve on its Committees and provide the leadership for it Divisions, Topical Groups, Forums, and Sections. Day-to-day operations of the Society are overseen by a Chief Executive Officer. Core activities of the Society are the publication of world-class scientific journals covering the field of physics, membership services for physicists and anyone with an interest in the field of physics, and the organizing scientific meetings for the physics community.

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2016 General Election

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2015 APS Annual Report

The APS 2015 Annual Report is now available. The report provides an overview of the Society's activities and achievements in 2015, as well as a summary of financial operations for the year.
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Annual Business Meeting

The 2017 Annual Business Meeting will be held March 16 at the APS March Meeting in New Orleans.
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APS Presidents

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APS Guiding Principles

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