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Issues: Democracy


"The 2015 edition of the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices points to a global governance crisis. In every part of the world, we see an accelerating trend by both state and non-state actors to close the space for civil society, to stifle media and Internet Freedom, to marginalize opposition voices, and in the most extreme cases, to kill people or drive them from their homes.

Some look at these events and fear democracy is in retreat. In fact, they are a reaction to the advance of democratic ideals-to rising demands of people from every culture and region for governments that answer to them."- Secretary Kerry's Preface on Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2015

Democracy News

Report on Human Rights Abuses or Censorship in North Korea
Jan 11, 2017 | Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
This report details aspects of the human rights situation in North Korea and the conduct of persons the Secretary of State has determined to be responsible for the commission of serious human rights abuses or censorship in the DPRK. ...Read More
Remarks at the U.S. Institute of Peace's Passing the Baton 2017: America's Role in the World
Jan 10, 2017 | Secretary of State John Kerry
We didn’t start the Arab Spring. We couldn’t have stopped the Arab Spring. There was no way to put a lid on the Arab Spring; the Arab Spring began in Tunisia when a fruit vendor lit himself on fire. And boom – a 30-year dictator was gone. And then suddenly, you had Tahrir Square and you had a bunch of people who have technology at their fingertips who are out there communicating to each other and wanting change. And that’s how Syria began. ...Read More
Russia Lists 150th NGO Under So-Called "Foreign Agent Law"
Dec 22, 2016 | State Department Spokesperson, John Kirby

Russia reached an unfortunate milestone December 19 when it listed the 150th non-governmental organization (NGO) under its so-called “foreign agent law.” The use of the term “foreign agent” is a deliberate choice suggesting that these organizations are traitors. In fact, under this legislation Russia has targeted ‎organizations dedicated to pursuits such as fighting torture, preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS, and even protecting migratory birds.

The people of Russia deserve a strong, democratic government that respects ...Read More

Assistant Secretary Malinowski Interview with VOA Amharic
Dec 17, 2016 | Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Tom Malinowski
When I was here last year for the first time, the government officials with whom I met already were acknowledging that following a long period in which their primary focus was economic development, the country would need to turn its focus to democratization. I argued to them then that the country was undergoing a process that could be likened to a boiling pot. And that when you have a boiling pot the thing to do is take the lid off, because either way it’s going to be boiling, and if you keep the lid on it’s going to explode. ...Read More
Charting a New Course with Cuba: Two Years of Progress
Dec 17, 2016 | White House Deputy National Security Advisor, Ben Rhodes
The results are clear: engagement has worked. The United States and Cuba established formal diplomatic relations, and opened Embassies. And the United States Embassy in Cuba now works to support entrepreneurs, speak up for human rights, advocate for U.S. businesses, and build bilateral cooperation. ...Read More
Press Release
DRC: Call for Calm and Respect for Human Rights
Dec 16, 2016 | Deputy Department Spokesperson, Mark C. Toner

The United States is deeply concerned about the potential for unrest and violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on or around December 19, when President Joseph Kabila’s second and final term in office was to end with the inauguration of a democratically elected successor. We urge both the government and opposition to cooperate fully and in good faith with the DRC’s Conference of Catholic Bishops (CENCO) to finalize an inclusive agreement as ...Read More

Press Release
Readout of Vice President Biden’s Meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada
Dec 12, 2016 | Office of the Vice President

The Vice President met today with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Ottawa, where they discussed the importance of maintaining and expanding the world's most comprehensive trade relationship. The two leaders underscored the breadth and depth of bilateral cooperation on a range of global issues, including their commitment to NATO, the counter-ISIL campaign, supporting Ukraine, and combating global climate change. The Prime Minister highlighted his initiatives to improve the welfare of Canada's First Nations and praised ...Read More

Press Release
Human Rights Day 2016
Dec 10, 2016 | Secretary of State John Kerry

The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 68 years ago today to recognize and elevate the inherent dignity and inalienable rights of all individuals.

On this International Human Rights Day, we recommit ourselves to upholding universal respect for the fundamental freedoms of all humankind.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights holds the promise of hope for the civilians who are caught in the crossfire of conflict, the citizens who fight ...Read More

Conversation on International Press Freedom
Dec 8, 2016 |

Mario Crifo, Spokesperson for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, participates in a conversation with Malini Subramaniam, an Indian freelance journalist on international press freedom. This series spotlights different individuals who are engaging in meaningful human rights work around the world. Join the conversation using the hashtag #HumanRightsHeroes...Read More

Remarks at the Open Government Partnership Global Summit
Dec 7, 2016 | U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Samantha Power
That is what open government is all about. It is bigger than any individual. It is bigger than any administration. It is, and always will, depend on the people that a government and an administration and a leader of a country serve. And in their hands – in your hands – OGP’s future is very bright indeed. ...Read More