Women in Physics

Through the Committee on the Status of Women in Physics (CSWP), APS is committed to encouraging the recruitment, retention, and career development of women physicists at all levels.

2017 Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (APS CUWiP)

The three-day regional conferences for undergraduate physics majors will be held January 13 - 15, 2017 at 10 sites. Applications closed October 14, 2016.
Gray Arrow Conference Information


Opportunities at APS Meetings

Professional Skills Development Workshops
These workshops provide women physicists with professional training in effective negotiation and communication skills, as well as a special opportunity for networking.
Gray Arrow Apply to Participate at an upcoming Meeting

Childcare Grants
Small grants up to $400 available for meeting attendees who are bringing small children to a meeting or who incur extra expenses in leaving their children at home.
Gray Arrow Apply for March or April Meeting Grants


Blewett Fellowship

Deadline: June 1 each year
This fellowship is designed to enable women to return to physics research careers after having had to interrupt those careers.
Gray Arrow Fellowship Information


Grants for Women in Physics Groups

Deadline: October 14, 2016
These grants support the CSWP mission towards the recruitment and retention of women in physics at the undergraduate level.
Gray Arrow Grant Information


The Gazette

A newsletter with committee activities, book reviews, statistical reports, and articles on programs designed to increase the participation of women and minorities in science.
Gray Arrow Read the Fall 2016 Issue PDF


Professional Skills Seminars for Students and Postdocs

New program teaches communication and negotiation skills
This seminar is a highly interactive experience designed to empower individuals to thrive in physics.
Gray Arrow More Information


IBM Research/APS Internships for Undergraduate Women

Application Deadline: February 15 each year
APS and IBM co-sponsor a 10-week paid summer internship for undergraduate women at one of three IBM locations.
Gray Arrow Application Information

Quick Links


Interest in Proposed Forum on Diversity & Inclusion

One of the recommendations from the recent LGBT Climate in Physics report was for the APS to establish a Forum on Diversity and Inclusion that works to build a more inclusive, diverse and equitable society for all physicists including women, racial/ethnic minorities, those who identify as LGBT, persons with disabilities, and others.
Gray Arrow Indicate interest in Forum on Diversity


Woman Physicist of the Month

Each month, CSWP recognizes a female physicist who is making an impact in the physics community.
Gray Arrow More about the program


Connect with Women Physicists

Gray Arrow Women in Physics on LinkedIn
Gray Arrow APS CUWiP on LinkedIn
Gray Arrow Friends of CSWP Group Email List


Improving the Climate for Women

This program helps physics departments and research facilities warm the "chilly climate" that women in physics often experience.
Gray Arrow Site Visit Information


Is Your Graduate Department Female Friendly?

A collection of responses to a series of questions about graduate programs in physics to help assess the climate for women at various graduate schools.
Gray Arrow Assessing Graduate Programs


Nominate Women for APS Prizes, Awards, and Fellowship

Nominations are due in early summer
APS Prizes, Awards, and Fellowship recognize outstanding achievements in research, education and public service.
Gray Arrow More Information