APS Local Links

APS Local Links aim to develop mutually beneficial links between academia and industry by connecting industry professionals, early career physicists, and faculty in geographically centered areas.

APS is partnering with volunteers in several different regions to launch these new Local Links. These groups will meet on a regular basis to share ideas, learn about current academic and industrial research, build relationships, network, and potentially encourage recruitment of students and postdocs into industries.

Connect with APS Local Links

Sign up for email updates and follow your APS Local Link on LinkedIn or Facebook to receive information on upcoming events.

Ann Arbor
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Denver - Boulder
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D.C. - Baltimore
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Silicon Valley
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St. Louis
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The Triangle
Gray arrow Email Sign Up | LinkedIn

Tampa Bay - Orlando **
Gray arrow Email Sign Up | LinkedIn

** Currently looking for more individuals to join the planning group. Please contact Cortney Bougher if interested.


Where and how often do APS Local Links meet and how do they share information?
The where is up to the group, but largely groups will gather in accessible locations such as a local restaurant, local business or lab facility, library, or community center. The meet-ups may include a speaker or presentation on a topic, focused discussion on a specific topic or issue, or simply offer networking. Some events may include a meal while others might be a brown bag or lite refreshment only.

The frequency is also up to the group. We recommend a group plan to target at least a monthly activity — face-to-face or virtual — to build community.

Groups are encouraged to set-up a LinkedIn group, which APS will assist in doing, to share ideas and information.

Who can join an APS Local Link?
Local Links are open to industry professionals, early career physicists, and faculty in geographically centered areas. While the primary function is to facilitate interactions between early career physicists and industry, and between industry and academia, we invite anyone with an interest and enthusiasm for physics to join and participate.

Is there an ideal size?
No. The measure of success is the energy of the group.

Are APS Local Link participants members of APS?
There is no requirement to join APS to participate; however, membership is encouraged! Plus APS has a discounted Early Career Membership which gives eligible participants tangible benefits and connections around the world.

Can APS Local Links hold formal events?
Generally speaking, Local Link events will be smaller, less formal events like social gatherings, lunch-n-learns, or networking with a speaker. It is not expected that Local Links will put on conferences or all day events. APS has a wide variety of formal events that members can attend so Local Links do not need to duplicate efforts. Visit our calendar for a current listing.

How can I find an APS Local Link?
See the above listing of current and forming Local Links. From there you will be directed to the group’s LinkedIn Group and be able to sign up for the e-mail list relating to that APS Local Link.

How do I start an APS Local Link?
Just let us know you are interested! Email locallinks@aps.org. You won’t be alone in the process; APS is dedicated to helping you succeed. We know that getting a group started and keeping it strong can be challenging, so do not hesitate to call on us if you have any questions or concerns.

Contact Information

Cortney Bougher
Member Networking and Career Programs Coordinator
bougher@aps.org | (301) 209-3271

APS Local Links

Upcoming Events

Ann Arbor

Wednesday, January 25 at 6:00 p.m.
ABC Brewpub Taproom
114 East Washington St
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Gray arrow LinkedIn Announcement


Tuesday, February 7 at 7:00 p.m.
John Harvard's, Harvard Square
33 Dunster Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Gray arrow LinkedIn Announcement

The Triangle

Wednesday, February 8 at 6:00 p.m.
RTP Headquarters and AKD Conference Center
12 Davis Drive
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Gray arrow LinkedIn Announcement

Recent Events


December 6
John Harvard's, Harvard Square
Cambridge, MA

St. Louis

November 30
iTAP Central West End
St. Louis, MO


November 1
John Harvard's, Harvard Square
Cambridge, MA

The Triangle

October 25
RTP Headquarters and AKD Conference Center
Research Triangle Park, NC


October 19
GLG - Gerson-Lehrman Group
Austin, TX

Ann Arbor

October 11
ABC Brewpub Taproom
Ann Arbor, MI


October 4
John Harvard's, Harvard Square
Cambridge, MA


September 6
John Harvard's, Harvard Square
Cambridge, MA

Ann Arbor

August 25
ABC Brewpub Taproom
Ann Arbor, MI


August 2
Cambridge, MA