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    •  Lots of interesting videos about NASA's Curiosity Rover! A lot more awesome links too! Just click "See More"! http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/videogallery/index.html?collection_id=18895 An interesting video of possible directions for future planetary exploration.. Click on "See More" for more interesting links such as a cost effective design proposal for a space craft using existing technologies for our space exploration ambitions in deep space for long duration missions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=f6I_f93O8dg&NR=1 A cost effective concept for the construction of a spacecraft made from modules. The same construction methods of the International Space Station. http://www.hobbyspace.com/nucleus/index.php?itemid=26786 This site is displays the technologies developed by NASA that have been put to use in other area's besides spaceflight that have greatly increased the quality of our everyday lives! http://www.sti.nasa.gov/tto/index.html Informative video demonstrating how internal heat of Europa interacts with the ice surface. Many scientists believe this is where to look for life in our solar system. Many believe the basic requirements for life have been satisfied here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldzRCO55cUw&feature=digest_fri Lots of benefits to a craft like the proposed.. It stays in orbit and does not have to fight the Earth's gravity for each launch.. This gives the mission planners to have a much larger vessel with cost savings for each mission.. The larger vessel accommodates more crew, more science instruments, more crew comfort, it makes possible longer missions with a higher margin of crew safety! Check it out! http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2012/03/dsh-module-concepts-outlined-beo-exploration/ The future of energy! Space based solar power. 8 times more energy per unit area then ground based and no unproductive night time in space.. The power is abundant and available 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days of the year! Attached to this article is a study demonstrating the justified economics for such a venture..Click on "See more for more interesting articles and film.. http://www.kurzweilai.net/a-limitless-power-source-for-the-indefinite-future NASA film free to watch, about their research into space based solar power... The technology was proved feasible! http://www.nss.org/settlement/ssp/sspnasavideo.htm Informative articles and video about space based solar power. http://www.nss.org/settlement/ssp/index.htm#sspvideos
      October 14 at 12:11pm
  2. RecommendationsSee All
    • Peter Tackaert
      Doppler shift disproves special relativity/dimension of time: In the spirit of sharing science, I would like to pass along that after having done a ‘study on Doppler shift, special relativity and a possible solution to the problems of Dark flow and Dark energy’, which can be found in full details on my website http://users.telenet.be/peter_tackaert/MainPage.html , I have had to come to the following conclusions: 1) All mass particles act as secondary emission sources as they absorb and re-radiate all photons that fall onto them, changing the overall speed of the photon to the local speed of light value ‘C’, creating the Doppler Shift in the process. This means that we will have to change Einstein’s light speed postulate in the following way: From: The velocity ‘C’ of light in vacuum is the same in all inertial frames of reference in all directions and depend neither on the velocity of the source nor on the velocity of the observer. To: The velocity ‘C’ of light in vacuum is the same inside all inertial frames of reference in all directions, as long as the light has been created by- or has interacted with- one of the atoms of the inertial reference frame. The velocity of light travelling between inertial reference frames will depend on the relative velocity that the observer has towards the source, but will become equal to the local velocity ‘C’ of light in vacuum as soon as this light interacts with one of the atoms of the inertial reference frame. Consequences: As soon as we use lenses and mirrors in our measurement of an incoming photon, then we are actually changing this photon into a locally produced photon, and as a result we will always measure the speed of light for its velocity, making the test useless. As a result, we are destroying what we are trying to measure, as we are measuring it. It is easy to prove that all lenses absorb and re-radiate incoming photons, as this is the reason why photons slow down as they travel through the lenses. For mirrors the proof can be found in the interferometer experiment used in Quantum mechanics, as when the photon hits the silvered side of the half-silvered mirror (beam splitter) directly, then the electromagnetic fields of the photon are inverted/ reversed by the mirror, and therefore, the photon must of have interacted with and been re-radiated by the silver atoms of the mirror. Proof for the existence of a varying speed of light: How can the timing between separate incoming pulsar pulses change/ be Doppler shifted by the amount of ‘ N = N0 . ( 1 + (V/C). cos(phi). sin( 2.pi. n / 365,25 ) ) ’, in perfect synchronisation with the rotation of the Earth around the sun, if during the measurement process or first contact of the pulsar pulses with an atom of Earth’s reference frame, the non-relativistic relative velocity ‘V’ between both reference frames cannot be added onto the incoming pulsar pulses, changing their overall/ true velocity to ‘ V + C ’ in regards to the rotating Earth? Full details on the above, and further possible proofs, can be found on the above mentioned website. 2) Gravity does not slow down a ‘Dimension of Time’ but only the overall travelling speed of all electromagnetic waves travelling through this gravity field, slowing down all electromagnetic processes, but not all possible clocks, as Einstein postulated. Very easy/ first way to prove the above idea: While the timing of an electromagnetic/ atomic clock will slow down inside a gravity field, a gravitationally driven pendulum clock will actually start to run faster the deeper it gets inside a gravity field. See the full study for a more scientific way to come to the conclusion above. All comments -good or bad- are extremely welcome, as it will help me to advance or discard my way of looking at physics. Peter Tackaert peter.tackaert@telenet.be Date : 19 September 2012.
    • Subhajit Ganguly
    • Nick Vence
      Interested in physics—REAL physics? This is the place.
    • Francisco Eduardo Nunes Ferreira
      Corumbá-Mato Grosso do Sul
  3. Quantum Simulator Crystal

    In this photograph of the crystal, the ions are fluorescing, indicating the qubits are all in the same state. Under the right experimental conditions, the ion crystal spontaneously forms this nearly perfect triangular lattice structure.

    Read More: http://go.aps.org/OYv2Gw
    Photo: Quantum Simulator Crystal

In this photograph of the crystal, the ions are fluorescing, indicating the qubits are all in the same state. Under the right experimental conditions, the ion crystal spontaneously forms this nearly perfect triangular lattice structure.

Read More: http://go.aps.org/OYv2Gw
  4. A new optical experiment provides further proof that quantum mechanics is not hiding some classical framework beneath its veneer of context-dependent observations.
  5. And the Nobel Prize in Physics goes to Serge Haroche and David Wineland for "ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems"
  6. Registration for the third annual University Physics Competition is now underway. Teams of 1 to 3 students should apply by November 15th. Contest starts on November 16.
  7. On PRL's cover: Optical microscope images of a colloidal capsule with an inhomogeneous shell, buckled under an external osmotic pressure

    Read more: http://go.aps.org/SFryU2
    Photo: On PRL's cover: Optical microscope images of a colloidal capsule with an inhomogeneous shell, buckled under an external osmotic pressure

Read more: http://go.aps.org/SFryU2
  8. How fast would a car have to travel toward your car for this bumper sticker to appear blue?

    FYI: This bumper sticker is available in the APS Online Store (free shipping) http://store.aps.org/
    Photo: How fast would a car have to travel toward your car for this bumper sticker to appear blue? 

FYI: This bumper sticker is available in the APS Online Store (free shipping) http://store.aps.org
  9. Physicists reveal first images of Landau levels.

    PRL Abstract: http://go.aps.org/PnANrn
    Nanowerk Article: http://go.aps.org/W8vy3U

    [Image courtesy of the University of Warwick]
    Photo: Physicists reveal first images of Landau levels.

PRL Abstract: http://go.aps.org/PnANrn
Nanowerk Article: http://go.aps.org/W8vy3U

[Image courtesy of the University of Warwick]
  10. One of our very own bore witness to a wager on the existence of a long-sought after particle called the Higgs boson. Seven years later, the bet was settled.
  11. On September 27, 1905, Einstein submitted the 4th paper of his Annus Mirabilis papers, "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?", which described the most famous equation in physics.
  12. New webinar just announced! Advice and strategies for non-U.S. students on applying for graduate programs in the states.

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