Meetings & Events

APS annual meetings are attended by thousands of physicists, scientists, and journalists from around the world. They offer valuable opportunities for presenting research, sharing insights, and networking, as well as related workshops and activities for scientific discussion, professional development, improving education, and science advocacy.

Upcoming Meetings

APS April Meeting 2017
January 28-31, 2017
Washington, DC
Quark Matter 2017 Conference
February 5-11, 2017
Chicago, IL
Graduate Education & Bridge Program Conference
February 10-12, 2017
College Park, MD
Abstract Submission Deadline: 12/19/2016
2017 PhysTEC Conference
February 17-18, 2017
Hyatt Regency Atlanta
Atlanta, GA

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Search for an Abstract

Enter scientific terms or author names in the box below to search the abstracts in the Archives of the Bulletin of the American Physical Society.


APS March Meeting 2017
APS April Meeting 2017

Visa Information

Learn about the visa application process, obtain information about visa interviews, estimate wait times for visa processing, and more.
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Code of Conduct for APS Meetings

Creating a supportive environment to enable scientific discourse at APS meetings is the responsibility of all participants.
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