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Nonlinear Dynamics

Synopsis: Chaos from a Chilled Cloud of Atoms

A map of chaos emerging in a Bose-Einstein condensate provides a rare glimpse of the behavior in a system of many quantum particles.   Read More »

Particles and Fields

Viewpoint: Dark Matter Still at Large

No dark matter particles have been observed by two of the world’s most sensitive direct-detection experiments, casting doubt on a favored dark matter model. Read More »

Materials Science

Synopsis: Golden Mystery Solved

A long-standing discrepancy between experiments and theory concerning the electronic properties of gold has now been resolved. Read More »

Atomic and Molecular Physics

Viewpoint: What Goes Up Must Come Down

A molecular fountain, which launches molecules rather than atoms and allows them to be observed for long times, has been demonstrated for the first time. Read More »


Meetings: An Astronaut’s View of Thunderstorms

Videos of thunderstorms recorded from space reveal unexpectedly active lightning in the sky above storm clouds. Read More »


Focus: Nanochannel Could Separate Mixed Fluids

Calculations show that capillary forces affecting a fluid mixture flowing through a nanochannel could be used to separate the mixture. Read More »


Synopsis: Flip-Flopping the Bands

A pair of semiconductor quantum wells with an inverted band structure hosts electrons whose spins are almost all in the same quantum state.   Read More »

Atomic and Molecular Physics

Viewpoint: Matter-Light Condensates Reach Thermal Equilibrium

Making use of improved microcavities, hybrid condensates of matter and light can be tuned to reach a thermal equilibrium state, despite their finite lifetime. Read More »

Materials Science

Synopsis: Metamaterial Inverts the Hall Effect

A metamaterial that looks like chainmail has a Hall coefficient whose sign is flipped compared to the material it’s made from. Read More »

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