Peacebuilder's Tools

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Conflict management may seem complicated, but there are some basic tools that peacebuilders can use in many different situations.

Every conflict is different, and each one offers a unique combination of factors––the sources of the conflict; its history; the positions and interests of the players, and so on. By understanding these factors and employing peacebuilder’s tools, such as those described below, it is possible to prevent, manage, and resolve conflict.

Here is an introduction to some primary tools that peacebuilders can use to help manage conflict. These tools can be used individually or in conjunction with one another in order to address the unique context of any particular conflict.

After learning about the tools below, take the Peacebuilder's Tools Quiz to test your knowledge and earn a stamp for your Virtual Passport.


Take the Peacebuilder's Tools Quiz to test your knowledge and earn a stamp for your Virtual Passport.