Space Environment Corporation

Trying to be a business since 1989.
SEC Information

Various Stuff:

  • Consulting
  • Data Analysis
  • Software Development
  • Numerical Models

    Work Stuff:

  • ESIR Ionogram Scaling
  • SEC AGILE Project
  • SEC HIDIVE Project
  • SEC AIM Project
  • SEC RDst
  • SEC RIFS Project
  • Plotl

    People Stuff:

  • Valuable Little People

    Stuff Stuff:

  • Annual General Meetings
  • Boondoggles

    Space Environment Corporation
    Copyright © 2010
    (as if someone wanted to copy our website)

  • Space Environment Corporation is an extremely small business committed to providing excellent products and services. And someday we will.

    We have expertise in:

  • Space weather products for government and industry
  • Applications for communications, navigation and surveillance
  • Data assimilation, organization, and visualization

    If you have an urge to know more about the us before the urge disappears. We can help.

    NOTICE! We didn't really move! Yes, we do have a new address, but that is because the road in front of us moved. Don't worry. We are just as inaccessible as we have always been.

    Space Environment Corporation
    221 N. Gateway Drive, Suite A
    Providence, Utah 84332-9791
    (435) 752-6567
    (435) 752-6687(fax)
    sec -at-