For Students

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"If, as kids, we learn how to build peace around our school, when we grow up, we can help to build peace around our world."
"If, as kids, we learn how to build peace around our school, when we grow up, we can help to build peace around our world."

Young people have an important role to play as the next generation of peacebuilders. Here at the Global Peacebuilding Center (GPC), we educate middle and high school students about peacebuilding and conflict management. By providing onsite educational programs to student groups, working directly with small groups of young people committed to conflict management and peacebuilding projects, and working with youth from conflict zones around the world, we seek to increase the peacebuilding knowledge and skills of young people so that they better understand how conflicts are resolved, peace is achieved, and how they can make a difference.

In this section, you will find a variety of resources to teach you how you can build peace: 

How can I be a peacebuilder?

  • Start A Peace Club: Use the Peace Club Starter Kit to begin building peace and making a difference locally and globally.
  • Contests for Students: Participate in one of these featured contests that focus on conflict and peace, or allow you to select a topic that can highlight opportunities for conflict resolution within a broader prompt.
  • Careers in Peacebuilding: Check out this colorful infographic to find out key steps you can take to make a career in peacebuilding and conflict resolution 
  • Get Involved: Learn about peacebuilding projects and ideas in which you or your class can participate.
  • Young Peacebuilders Around the World: Young people all over the world are contributing to the work of conflict management and peacebuilding. Learn about some of these people and their peacebuilding work.
  • Multimedia: Find video, photos, and audio to inspire and instruct you in the work of building peace.
  • Recent Programs: Student groups seeking to build upon their knowledge and skills of peacebuilding and conflict management regularly visit the Global Peacebuilding Center. Learn about some of our recent programs to gain a better sense of the educational programs we provide.

“It’s important to be aware of what’s going on in the world and to think about how you can start to make a difference, even when you’re a kid.”

What is conflict?
  • Mapping Conflict: While there are many conflicts happening around the globe at any one time, there are also important efforts to build peace and resolve those conflicts through nonviolent means.  Begin learning about a range of global conflicts and the peacebuilding efforts to address them, and find further resources to build upon your knowledge.
  • Virtual Passport: The Virtual Passport is a portal to peacebuilding that connects you to the wider world! Collect stamps in your passport by completing quizzes and activities, and gain new knowledge and skills in peacebuilding.
  • Ask an Expert: Issues in conflict and peace can be complex, but USIP’s experts are equipped to provide a more detailed understanding of the dynamics of conflict and the work of building peace. Submit a question on the designated topic, an expert will answer your questions, and we’ll post their response to the website for others to see!

“I realized that I knew tons more about violence, and war, than peace.”

What is peace?

  • Peacebuilding Experiences: The work of peacebuilding takes many forms. Learn more about how peace is built and the people who do so by reading some of the featured Stories from Abroad or exploring the Day in the Life of a Peacebuilder. 
  • Study Abroad Resources: Learn about the importance of studying abroad and how this experience can enhance your skills in cross-cultural understanding and conflict resolution.
  • Witnesses to Peacebuilding: these short video pieces tell powerful individual stories of peacebuilders of various types from around the world. Gain a sense of the diversity of peacebuilding experiences by hearing from the witnesses to peacebuilding.
  • Share: Have a story about an experience of resolving conflict in your school or community, or taking action on a global issue you care about? What about a trip to another country where you encountered situations of conflict and misunderstanding, or examples of work being done to create positive change? Share your stories and photos with us!

“The work you do made me realize that achieving peace is entirely possible when you take small steps.”

Still have questions or ready to continue your learning? Contact us at with any questions or feedback about our resources.