Get Involved: Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers at work
Volunteers help to ensure national marine sanctuaries remain America's underwater treasures for future generations.

This page presents information on volunteer opportunities to help you get personally involved in coral reef conservation. It is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all relevant volunteer opportunities, but merely a place to begin your search.

Volunteer with NOAA

NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program does not offer any established, regular volunteer opportunities. However, many of our sister programs do. Explore some of those below.

  • Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Volunteer Program: Volunteers help ensure national marine sanctuaries remain America's underwater treasures for future generations. Volunteers participate in a wide variety of activities including diving, whale identification, beach cleanups, water quality monitoring, collecting field observations and surveys, acting as visitor center docents and wildlife monitoring. Five sanctuaries in the U.S. contain coral reefs and several others contain deep-sea coral. See what's available in your area.
  • Protected Resources Volunteer Opportunities: Help protect sea turtles, monk seals and other protected resources by volunteering with NOAA offices in Hawaii.
  • Volunteer to Clear Marine Debris: Start your own volunteer beach clean up group, or find a local beach or neighborhood cleanup group. Track your trash using the Marine Debris Tracker app.