Project Assistance

Through a nationwide network of local coalitions, Clean Cities provides project assistance to help stakeholders in the public and private sectors deploy alternative and renewable fuels, idle-reduction measures, fuel economy improvements, and emerging transportation technologies.

Projects undertaken by Clean Cities coalitions and stakeholders result in significant environmental, economic, and energy security benefits. For examples of project successes, explore alternative transportation case studies.

Clean Cities is the deployment arm of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Office.

Find My Local Coalition

Map of the United States - Coalition Locations

Connect With a Coalition

Contact a Clean Cities coalition coordinator in your area or a DOE regional manager for assistance with your projects to deploy alternative fuels and advanced vehicles.

  • Networking Opportunities: Clean Cities coalitions help stakeholders network to learn from one another's experiences and identify potential project partners. Stakeholders include businesses, fuel providers, utilities, vehicle fleets, state and local government agencies, industry partners, and community organizations.

  • Technical Assistance: Clean Cities offers technical assistance and individual consultation to help stakeholders overcome obstacles to deploying alternative fuels and advanced vehicles. Many coalitions offer training and workshops to educate stakeholders about the latest technologies and practices.

  • Project Funding: Clean Cities coalitions can help identify funding to support transportation projects. Learn about Clean Cities financial opportunities.