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Submit your own SQL or SQL Data Shaping query to retrieve data from the Soil Data Mart. You can choose to view the results of the query immediately or, for larger volumes of data, you can choose to submit the query to be queued and run in background. Information about the queries that may be run, including rules and sample queries, can be found on the Query Help page.

If you choose to view the results immediately, they will be displayed in a separate browser window. In order to view the results, popup blocking must be disabled. The SDMTabularService.RunQuery web method is used to run the query, therefore this is a good place to test any queries that you would like to use with that web method. Further information is available on the Web Service Help page.

If you choose to submit the query to be queued and run in background, the results will be packaged either one query result set per text file if the Text option was selected or into a single XML file if the XML option was selected, with all files then placed in a WinZip® archive (see the Downloads section of the Help page if you need more information about archives). You will be notified via e-mail when the results are ready to be downloaded, and that e-mail will include an FTP link for retrieving the data you requested.

For immediate queries, the timeout is 30 seconds and no more than 10,000 records can be returned to a browser. Immediate requests that can complete within 30 seconds but return more than 10,000 records must be submitted as a queued request. For queued queries, the timeout is 10 minutes and there is no enforced limit to the number of records that can be returned.

Please enter your SQL query:

Please select the time frame and format in which you would like to see the results:

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If the e-mail account entered above is protected by spam blocking software, you will need to authorize e-mail from in order to receive e-mail notification once your query has been processed.

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