Resource Center

Subscribe to NICAR-L

The NICAR-L Mailing List serves as a forum for the discussion of subjects related to computer-assisted reporting. It also acts as a posting board for new developments at NICAR, including seminar announcements and database information. Access listserv archives


To subscribe to the NICAR mailing list, please see the subscription form.

OR, send an e-mail message to

The message subject line should be left blank, and the body text should contain "subscribe listname first last". For example, if you wanted to subscribe to the NICAR-L list, use the following command:

  • SUBSCRIBE NICAR-L   first last

where "first last" is your first and last name.

You will receive an e-mail confirming your subscription, and start receiving e-mails shortly thereafter. Gmail users, please check your SPAM folder if you don't see a confirmation within a few minutes.

Email if you have trouble signing-up.


To remove your subscription from the NICAR-L listserv, send a message to with an empty subject line. The body of the message should contain "unsubscribe listname". Use the following command:


You will receive an e-mail confirming your cancellation.

Other Problems

Unsubscribing and resubscribing will fix most listserv problems. Sometimes, if a person's mail server is unavailable, their subscription is postponed. To resume it, you simply need to send SET NICAR-L MAIL ACK in the body of an e-mail to