Easy-to-use Data Products

The data sets listed in the table below provide information in formats that require little or no processing or programming. These may be of particular interest to K-12 teachers and students, the press, the general public, or non-cryospheric researchers.

Sea Ice


Provides measurements of daily sea ice extent and sea ice edge boundary for the Northern Hemisphere and 16 Arctic regions in a polar stereographic projection at a 4 km resolution. Products include an ASCII text file of sea ice extent values in square km, time series plots of sea ice extent for the 16 regions, and image files that visually show where the sea ice is.

Sea Ice Index

Provides graphics showing trends and anomalies in monthly mean Arctic and Antarctic sea ice concentration and extent, with a table of monthly mean extent in millions of square kilometers. Trends and anomalies are based on the period of record beginning in 1979.

Sea Ice Trends and Climatologies from SMMR and SSM/I-SSMIS

This is a suite of value-added products showing the variability and trends of sea ice cover. Sea ice extent, total ice-covered area, ice persistence, monthly climatologies, ocean masks, and GIS sea ice maps are available.

National Ice Center Arctic Sea Ice Charts and Climatologies in Gridded Format

This data set is an Arctic sea ice concentration climatology derived from the National Ice Center (NIC) weekly or biweekly operational ice chart time series. Geographical Information System (GIS) compatible format and GIF browse images are provided.

Northern Hemisphere EASE-Grid Weekly Snow Cover and Sea Ice Extent Version 3

The Browse interface for this data set displays animations in your Web browser. The animations show weekly snow cover and sea ice extent for the Northern Hemisphere.

Frozen Ground

Frozen Ground Maps

This page contains images and links to several frozen ground maps, grouped into two general categories: (1) permafrost, soil temperature, and ground ice maps and (2) soil, vegetation, and landscape maps.

Snow Cover & Snow Hydrology

Global Monthly EASE-Grid Snow Water Equivalent Climatology

The Browse interface for this data set displays animations in your Web browser. The animations show snow water equivalent (SWE) climatologies for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Northern Hemisphere EASE-Grid Weekly Snow Cover and Sea Ice Extent Version 3

The Browse interface for this data set displays animations in your Web browser. The animations show weekly snow cover and sea ice extent for the Northern Hemisphere.

Glaciers and Ice Sheets

Glacier Photograph Collection

Provides a searchable interface to more than 3,000 photographs of glaciers in the Rocky Mountains, the Pacific Northwest, and Alaska. This also includes a special collection of photograph pairs that show the same glacier at two different time periods.

Mosaic of Antarctica (MOA)

Provides a map server interface to a digital image map and a snow-grain-size image of the Antarctic continent and surrounding islands. MOA provides a cloud-free view of the ice sheet, ice shelves, and land surfaces at a grid scale of 125 m and an estimated resolution of 150 m.

Arctic People

When the Weather is Uggianaqtuq: Inuit Observations of Environmental Change

Uggianaqtuq (pronounced OOG-gi-a-nak-took) is a North Baffin Inuktitut word that means to behave unexpectedly, or in an unfamiliar way. This data set (available on CD-ROM) includes maps, text, photos, video and music that are integrated to help illustrate the changes Inuit have observed in their environment and the impacts on their livelihoods.

See Also

Virtual Globes

Overlays data-based images on a virtual globe.

Atlas of the Cryosphere

Dynamic maps of snow, sea ice, glaciers, ice sheets, permafrost, and more.

State of the Cryosphere

An overview of snow and ice as climate change indicators.

Arctic Climatology and Meteorology PRIMER for Newcomers to the North

A collection of meteorology and climate facts with particular emphasis on arctic phenomena.

Advanced Data Search

Search all data sets in NSIDC's data catalog.