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Last week at an Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee hearing with Health and Human Services Secretary Burwell I had an opportunity to bring attention to the behavioral health situation in New Mexico. This turmoil has raised significant concerns and we need to ensure that our most vulnerable populations have access to care. I will continue to fight for stronger and more transparent behavioral health care services for New Mexicans.
Today I took to the House Floor to honor the life and service of Officer Gregg Benner, a Rio Rancho Police Officer who was killed in the line of duty last week. Officer Benner dedicated his life to protecting his community and his country. He put his health and safety on the line to make us safer, and he leaves behind a legacy of valor and service. My thoughts, and prayers are with Officer Benner’s family, fellow officers, and the entire Rio Rancho community, and I hope that they find peace in this most difficult time.
Today I attended the Environment and the Economy subcommittee hearing and questioned an EPA official about the Gold King Mine spill. As I continue to monitor the impact of the spill and the recovery effort, I am concerned with EPA’s lack of communication immediately following the spill and a report that the EPA was not prepared to handle a worst case scenario at the mine site. One of the suggestions that I shared was looking to see what we could do to piggy back off the Amber Alert system or the natural disaster and weather disaster alert system which provides notifications on mobile phones and billboards. It is important that these issues are addressed as Congress turns its attention to the cleanup of other abandoned mines.

Worried about what happens to the 360,000 New Mexicans who gained health care through Medicaid and the ACA if the law is repealed?

Join me on Sunday, January 15 at 2 PM at the Unitarian Universalist (107 W Barcelona Rd, Santa Fe, New Mexico) for a discussion, sponsored by Health Action New Mexico, about potential changes to the health insurance marketplace, including plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act, dismantle Medicaid, and privatize Medicare.

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On January 6, 1912, New Mexico was admitted to the United States as the 47th state. Happy Birthday New Mexico!

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This week is Computer Science Education Week! Yesterday, over 300 students from grades 7-12 at the Academy for Technology and the Classics (ATC) in Santa Fe participated in the Hour of Code. The Hour of Code at ATC is just one event in a wider effort to expand access to computer science across New Mexico and around the world. During the event, students learned the basics of programing a computer, and had the opportunity to apply their new skills on fun projects where they could see the results at work. Thank you to Principal Susan Lumley and Ms. Jennifer Hooten for inviting my staff to observe classes on their campus. Keep up the hard work!

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On December 7th, 1941 at 7:55 in the morning, Pearl Harbor was attacked. Today marks the 75th anniversary of a day that will forever be etched in American history – as President Roosevelt would later say: “a date which will live in infamy.” After the attack, our grandfathers and grandmothers were called on to serve their country at home and abroad. My grandfather Luis Luján was one of those called to duty in World War II--leaving behind six children and his loving wife and later returning home the winner of a bronze star.

The War took so many fathers, sons, mothers and sisters from their families. Today, we remember the sacrifices of that horrific day, and say thank you to those who’ve defended our democracy.

This weekend, I visited Pecos and White Rock where I had great discussions with some of my fellow New Mexicans. I always enjoy hearing from my constituents—and by visiting some of the smaller towns, I have the chance to learn more about how I can best represent the people of Northern New Mexico. Over the month of December, I’ll be traveling the district to continue these meetings and I look forward to hearing your voices.

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Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people sitting and indoor

When I talk to New Mexicans on the frontlines of this opioid crisis, the most urgent need is for more resources. The 21st Century Cures Act promises $1 billion for the opioid crisis. Though we cannot bring back those who we have lost, we owe it to them and their families to provide the resources needed to increase treatment programs. This funding will make a real difference in real people’s lives.

Congressman Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico's Third District on Wednesday spoke on the House floor in support of the 21st Century Cures Act...

From the dedicated men and women who serve our country at Cannon Air Force Base, to the cutting edge research taking place at Los Alamos National Labs, I am proud of the leading role New Mexico’s Third District plays in ensuring our national security policy. Though this is not a perfect bill, it authorizes key resources that support priorities for communities across New Mexico. This defense bill includes robust funding for environmental cleanup at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), which is essential to advancing the environmental remediation projects that are critical to the communities surrounding our labs...

From the dedicated men and women who serve our country at Cannon Air Force Base, to the cutting edge research taking place at Los Alamos National Labs...

I was proud to support Nancy Pelosi and congratulate her on her reelection as Democratic Leader today. We will work to hold the next Administration accountable, defend the principles and values we were raised with, protect access to health care for millions of Americans, and expand economic opportunity for all Americans. I look forward to continuing the conversation with my colleagues on how we can reach out to people, earn and maintain their trust, strengthen our caucus and empower Democrats all across the country.

I was proud to support Nancy Pelosi and congratulate her on her reelection as Democratic Leader today.

Today is Small Business Saturday, let’s support the local businesses that are the backbone of our communities and our economy.#ShopSmall

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Congressman Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico's Third District toured and volunteered at food banks across northern New Mexico this week, bringing awareness to food security in the state. The events in Gallup, Farmington, Santa Fe, and Albuquerque, were part of the Congressman’s Listening and Action Tour of food pantries in Northern New Mexico – focusing on the impact cuts to nutritional programs could have on efforts to provide food to New Mexicans at risk of going hungry.

Today, along with Navajo Vice President Jonathan Nez, Congressman Lujan visited the Gallup Food Pantry to help fill food boxes for delivery. The stop was part of the Congressman’s Listening and Action Tour of food pantries in Northern New Mexico. New Mexico leads the nation in childhood hunger; 27% of children in our state live in households without constant access to food. Hearing from those working on the front lines of this crisis helps give a voice to people who often are not heard.

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In November, we mark Native American Heritage Month, honoring the rich ancestry and traditions of Native Americans and New Mexico’s pride in contributions of the 19 Pueblos, two Apache nations, and the Navajo Nation to our state. Our indigenous communities have deeply influenced our state’s history and vibrant culture across generations and continue to do.

As we recognize the accomplishments of our Native American communities, we must live up to the promises of protecting the lands and tribal heritage of Native Americans across our country...

Despite his stated desire to bring the country together, President-elect Donald Trump’s appointment of Stephen Bannon as Chief Strategist is completely unacceptable, divisive, and dangerous. Bannon’s ties to White Nationalism and his leadership of Breitbart News - a website that has trafficked in anti-Semitism, xenophobia, misogyny, and racism - disqualifies him from any role in the White House. This, combined with House Republicans' failure to stand up to this appointment, is troubling. I remain committed to standing up for every American, no matter their faith, where they live, or who they are.

Trump’s appointment of Stephen Bannon as Chief Strategist is completely unacceptable, divisive, and dangerous.

These new rules will allow us to cut waste in half so we can use that saved natural gas to power our economy, and the additional revenue to invest in schools, roads, bridges and other infrastructure. And less waste means less smog and healthier people for generations to come.

The BLM's Methane and Waste Prevention Rule announced today will update the 30-year-old regulations governing natural gas operations on public and Indian lands.

This weekend, we presented the Aztec VFW Post 614 with this American Flag which was flown over the U.S. Capitol. Thank you to all the brave veterans and your families for all that you have done make us a more perfect union.

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Today in New Mexico, we honor the long and proud tradition of service in the Armed Forces. So many of our family, friends and neighbors bravely answer the call when our country calls them to duty. Generations of New Mexicans have worn the uniforms of our Armed Forces and made sacrifices, both large and small, in defense of our country. These men and women take time away from their families, spend holidays away from home, and, in many cases, willingly make the ultimate sacrifi...ce putting themselves in harm’s way. We have a responsibility to remember and recognize all those that have served.

Sadly, as a nation we have not always lived up to that responsibility. To honor the the commitment to our veterans, we must ensure veterans and their families receive the benefits they have earned and deserve. While we have taken important steps to right the wrongs at VA facilities that failed to provide the care our veterans, there is more that must be done, we must remain vigilant to ensure that veterans receive only the best care.

We must provide opportunities to our veterans. Despite the leadership, skills, and training they possess, too many veterans are not able to find work. From job training to incentives to hire veterans, we must support the men and women who served to be business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders in our communities.

Thank you to each and every veteran and your families for all that you have done make us a more perfect union. Let us always remember those Missing In Action and Prisoners of War, and never forget that freedom is not free."

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