flag Office of the State Climatologist for Ohioflag

The Office of the State Climatologist for Ohio (OSCO) is housed within the Department of Geography and the Atmospheric Sciences Program
in Columbus at The Ohio State University.  Professor Jeffrey C. Rogers is the state climatologist and is a member of the American Association of State Climatologists.

A key function of the Ohio state climatologist is to collect, archive, disseminate, and interpret climate data for government, public, and private users around the state and regionally.  Collection of climate data has historically been done by paper documents and there are many old data publications archived in the OSCO containing details of Ohio’s climate since the 19th century.  Since the late 1990s however, data are available electronically to any citizen of Ohio from numerous websites listed below and data are instead archived at the sites of origin.  At this time the OSCO does not operate or maintain any statewide weather or climate monitoring networks such as is, for example, already done through the National Weather Service, CoCoRaHS, or the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.  Dissemination of climate data, particularly harder to access or older paper data, can be done by contacting the state climatologist by phone or e-mail. Interpretation of weather and climate data is performed by the state climatologist, typically free to educators and to everyone if the job of interpretation is perceived to be under a half hour of work, as is typically the case.  Such interpretation in the form or discussion and explanation of the data, or simple data analysis, is typically done over the phone or by e-mail.

The office of state climatologist provides education and expertise to the citizens of Ohio on issues pertaining to weather and climate.  One educational outlet has been a set of recent presentations made to private groups and government agencies.  Recent news media interviews have provided information on potential climate change in Ohio.  Expertise has provided for reports on climate disasters.  Another outlet is through specialized climate papers such as this overview of Ohio’s climate.  Expertise can also be provided in litigation cases as in the 1988 Midwestern drought insurance settlement; in assessing climate impacts on egg farm pollution runoff; and for cases involving weather-related accidents.  The State Climatologist is a member of the Ohio State University Climate Change Team that has been active in presenting regional webinars on topics related to climate change, one of which can be access here.  The Ohio Climatologist is a member of the Governor’s drought task force and is state co-coordinator for CoCoRaHS the citizen volunteer precipitation measuring network (Community Collaborative Rain Hail and Snow Network).

The State Climatologist for Ohio also conducts research, through his academic professional career pertaining to the climate of Ohio on such topics as Ohio and eastern U.S. climate reconstruction from weather data records, the cause and water resource impacts of drought in Ohio, and the role of the oceans and atmospheric circulation changes on Ohio climate.  Published professional research papers relevant to Ohio by the climatologist can be accessed here.

The state climate office of Ohio interacts frequently with the Midwestern Regional Climate Center (MRCC) in Champaign, Illinois. Data for Ohio and the Midwest are available for purchase on a county by county basis in Ohio through the MRCC.  These can include daily, monthly, or long-term averages, of precipitation and daily temperature, information on heating or cooling degree days, snowfall, and snow cover. More elaborate climate statistics are also available for specific stations, climate divisions or even statewide averages.  Look for the “MACS” (MRCC Applied Climate System) tab on the MRCC website, a menu-driven system providing climate summaries and daily data for nine midwestern states in a digital format.  The MRCC also provides this website with the Midwest Regional Climate Center (MRCC) 7, 30 and 90 day climate maps for Ohio.

Please Click on any of the following 14 categories to obtain a selection of individual websites providing climate and weather conditions, including water resources and drought information, climate policy and severe weather event reports, or even the latest breaking climate news.

Climate Related Website Catagories:
Federal Weather Service Agencies: current weather information
Ohio Near-Real-Time weather data or daily reported data
National, and Ohio, Climatic Data Information Sources
Climate Information Visualization (Images)
Miscellaneous Climate and Weather information
Current Drought Analysis
Policy Reports on Ohio Climate and Climate Change
Ohio Climate Event reports
Climate, Climate Change, and Weather Education:
Breaking News on Climate Issues:
Weather related stuff for sale
State Climatologist Research Papers
State Climatologist presentations
State Climatologist Recent Newspaper Interviews

Federal  Weather Service Agencies:  current weather information
National Weather Service Wilmington Ohio:
National Weather Service Cleveland, Ohio:
National Weather Service Northern Indiana
National Weather Service Pittsburgh PA: 
National Weather Service Ohio River Forecast Center (Wilmington): 
Interactive national/local weather conditions:
Hydrometeorological Prediction Center maps and forecasts: 
Severe Storm Prediction Center, Norman, OK:
National Hurricane Center:
NOAA climate and long-range weather/climate predictions:  

Ohio Near-Real-Time weather data or daily reported data:
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center weather & climate network:
Daily precipitation CoCoRaHS network:
Compendium of Ohio hydrometeorological networks: 
Weather and climate information for Cleveland, Ohio:
Weather and  climate information for Columbus, Ohio:
Weather and Climate data for Athens Ohio: 
Coshocton OH weather observations for the North Appalachian Experimental watershed:
The Ohio automated flood warning system with county rainfall reports every 15 minutes to 24 hours
Tabular reports of (past events) Ohio high frequency AFWS precipitation: 
This is the National automated flood warning system AFWS site 
Near-real-time ground water conditions in Ohio:

National, and Ohio, Climatic Data Information Sources:
The Climate Services Clearinghouse contains over 400 web sites on climate services:
National Climatic Data Center:   
Midwestern Regional Climate Center:   
Ohio State University Library Climate Resources:
Ohio “Climatological Data” publication 1896-1975:
Ohio Monthly rainfall and water inventory publication:
1971/2000 Climate Normals for every state and  many cities:
Comparative Climatic Data for over 300 U.S. Cities by month: 
Free online publications containing climate normals, frost/freeze data, precipitation probabilities and other information for Ohio and other states: 
Climatological Precipitation Frequencies from NOAA NWS Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center (click on red squares): or for any state:
Maps of preciptation frequencies (extremes) from 30 minutes to 24 hours and return periods up to 100 years:
Worldwide climate data for any city:

Climate Information Visualization (Images):
Climatic graphs of annual temperatures and precipitation for Ohio cities:
Plotting of Climate Data time series:
Current temperature extremes:
Wind Roses:
A Wind power resource map for Ohio:

Miscellaneous Climate and Weather information:
Which U.S. cities have the best climate?
Severe thunderstorm climatology:
Severe weather (history) in Ohio:
Glacial map of Ohio (ice age surface features):
The probability of a white Christmas I: 
Probability of a white Christmas II:
Sunrise sunset and related information: 
Solar position angle calculator:  
The northern lights and space weather:
Michigan State University agricultural weather site:  
How accurate is the Farmers Almanac? 1
How accurate is the Farmers Almanac? 2
How accurate is the Farmers Almanac? 3
Historical weather maps:

Current Drought Analysis:
National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) U.S. Drought Portal:  
U.S. Drought Monitor homepage: 
National Drought Mitigation Center: 
NOAA Drought Information Center: 
National map of vegetation response to drought:
U.S. Geological Survey water resources: 
Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources soil and water resources: 
Kentucky drought information compendium of many drought information sources:  

Policy Reports on Ohio Climate and Climate Change:
National Council of State Legislatures:
Preparing for Climate Change:  A Guidebook for Local, Regional, and State Governments:
Report: “Economic Impacts of climate change on Ohio” 1
Report: “Economic Impacts of climate change on Ohio” 2
Ohio Environmental Council’s “Ohio Climate Road map part 1” (2005) : And part 2 (2006):
Ohio climate and health:
U.S. global change research program report:

Ohio Climate Event reports:
The Easter freeze of April 2007:
The Ohio River Flood of 1997: 
Shadyside Ohio Flooding, June 14, 1990:

Climate, Climate Change, and Weather Education:
Thunder in the Heartland – A Chronicle of outstanding weather events in Ohio by Thomas and Jeanne Schmidlin  (1996)
Understanding Climate Change (in the Midwest) edited by Sarah Pryor (2009):
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change  4th Assessment report (2007):
The Ohio State University Climate Change Education webpage:
Climate Literacy educational guide (download): 
NOAA Global Warming Education site:
EPA climate change:
American Meteorological Society DataStreme:   and its current data:
Weather Education:
Weather education for teachers and kids:
Ohio severe weather awareness: 
U.S.G.S. water education:
Scouting Servive: Flash flood dangers and safety: 
Weather Service Brochures:
Effects of past glacial epochs on Ohio:  

Breaking News on Climate Issues:
Climate Central: 
Global hot spots on a warming world:
Global warming news site:

Weather related stuff for sale:
Gempler’s weather section:
Weather Your Way:
Climate maps and data for sale:   (Maps for sale are also displayed for viewing)

State Climatologist Research Papers:
Climatological aspects of drought in Ohio  (1993)
Ohio River Valley winter moisture conditions associated with the Pacific/North American teleconnection pattern (2003):
Interactions between the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation, El Niño/La Niña, and the PNA in winter Mississippi Valley Stream Flow (2003):
Ohio winter precipitation and stream flow associations to Pacific Atmospheric and Oceanic teleconnection patterns (2004):
Evaluation of a long-term (1882-2005) equivalent temperature time series (2007):

State Climatologist presentations:
SCP1 Climate change: Science basics and impacts around the Great Lakes (2010):
SCP2 Changing severe weather events: Impacts on emergency management (2009):
SCP3 Ohio’s Climate and its Variability (2009):
SCP4 Ohio severe weather hazards and climate change (2008):