Systems Engineering Working Groups

GOES-R Integration, Verification, and Validation Working Group (GIVVWG):

GIVVWG is responsible for planning, integration, oversight, and/or evaluation of the overall GOES-R Program integration, verification, and validation (V&V)-related activities, focusing on those issues that are Program-related or span both the Flight and Ground Segment Projects. The GIVVWG is a senior-level body created to ensure integration, verification, and validation activities at the Project level adequately span the full Program.

The GOES-R CWG duties revolve around calibration-related GOES-R instrument and data processing segment development, implementation, and long-term performance maintenance, which are tasks related to assuring level 1b measurement quality. GOES-R instrument spatial, spectral, and L1b measurement calibration activities span across the GOES-R Program, and Flight and Ground Projects. These calibration activities are conducted through all phases of the GOES-R mission using proven pre- and post-launch calibration methods. Critical to the success of these activities is a supporting workforce with diverse technical and management skills, which is the capacity of the CWG.

GLM Sensor 3d Rendering
Solar X-Ray Imager Testing in the X-Ray Calibration Facility (XRCF) – Photo Courtesy of NASA Marshall Space Flight Center


  • Guidance and recommendations to NOAA/NASA via PSE in generating calibration-related performance requirements and evaluating waivers of these requirements
  • Technical oversight of (and participation in) the development of the calibration system by sensor and ground system vendors
  • Technical oversight of (and participation in) pre-launch testing of the calibration system by sensor and ground system vendors
  • Development of a comprehensive GOES-R Cal/Val Plan for Level 1b data
  • Strong partner in on-orbit verification of spectral, spatial, and L1b measurement validation and assessment to ensure that the user needs for data quality are met and that instruments are within specifications
  • Leadership of long-term characterization of on-orbit spectral, spatial, and L1b measurement performance
  • Critical partner in calibration anomaly resolution

For more information about CWG, click here.