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Peacebuilding and conflict management come in many forms, but communication is vital to all of them. New technologies are rapidly changing how people around the world communicate with each other and allowing individuals and organizations to connect as never before.

The Global Peacebuilding Center at the United States Institute of Peace has launched official presences on Facebook and Twitter (@buildingpeace) to enhance our engagement with young people and with educators. We invite you to connect with us on these social networks to:

  • Learn about global peacebuilding and conflict management
  • Share and connect with a community of peacebuilders
  • Stay in touch with us and receive updates on our work and onsite programs

Our social media sites extend USIP’s longstanding educational work through new media.

These presences complement the website of the Global Peacebuilding Center at, especially its interactive portions that include the Peacebuilders’ Forum - where you can discuss "Building Peace through Social Media", the Educator Forum, the Share a Story section and Ask an Expert.

The Global Peacebuilding Center also offers multimedia exhibits on peacebuilding themes, a Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators, and onsite educational programs for groups.

Other USIP social media initiatives include a USIP Facebook page with nearly 10,000 fans and a Twitter page (@usip) with over 12,000 followers. Both platforms allow users to keep up-to-date on programs, events and courses at USIP as well as on USIP’s conflict prevention, management and resolution activities in conflict zones globally. USIP's annual National Peace Essay Contest for high school students focused on "The Impact of Social Media on Peacebuilding and Conflict Management" as its topic for 2011-2012 (View the contest's study guide as a PDF).

We encourage you to connect with us on social media and to stay in touch with other peacebuilders! Discuss how you build peace through social media in our Peacebuilders' Forum.