GOES-R Glossary (A)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

For a complete list of GOES-R Acronyms & Glossary. . . click here (pdf)
Abnormal Operation   Encompasses unforeseen circumstances that are not handled via established contingency plans and operational states such as anomalous conditions or failures.
Absolute Time Commands    Stored Commands that have a time tag containing an absolute spacecraft time.
Absolute Time Command Buffer   An allocated memory area used to store the absolute time commands.
Absolute Time Sequence   Sequence of commands executed at the absolute time tag associated with each command in the sequence.
Accepted Risk   A risk (an unplanned event) that is understood and agreed to by the program, organization partners, sponsors, stakeholders, and customer(s) sufficient to achieve the defined success criteria within the approved level of resources.  A risk is accepted when its impact is deemed “acceptable” (does not drive a change to the baseline), and/or no additional resources are expended to mitigate the risk. In other words, it is decided that no further action will be taken to reduce the risk.
Acceptance Tests   Tests that establish the basis for delivery of an item under terms of a contract. 
Access Point   The Ground Segment interface from which authorized users can request and access GOES-R products, data, and information.
Accident/Incident   An unplanned event that results in personnel fatality or injury; damage to or loss of launch vehicle, environment, public property, or private property; or could result in an unsafe situation or operational mode. An accident refers to a major event, whereas an incident (mishap) is a minor event or episode that could lead to an accident.
Accuracy   Refers to the error in a measurement that is the difference between the measured and true value. It includes both systematic and random errors. Systematic errors must be estimated from an analysis of the experimental conditions and techniques. Random errors can be determined, and reduced, through repeated measurements under identical conditions and a Standard Deviation calculated. The magnitude of a random error is taken as three standard deviations (3σ).
Activation and Characterization Test (ACT)   The Activation and Characterization Test period is the phase of post-launch test consisting of functional verification of spacecraft and instrument operation.  
Ad hoc request   In the context of a GOES product request, indicates a one-time request for a specific product(s).  Not a product subscription.
Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI)   A multi-spectral channel, two-axis scanning radiometer designed to provide variable area imagery and radiometric information of the Earth’s surface as well as the capability for star sensing. The ABI measures emitted and solar reflected radiance simultaneously in all spectral channels. Data availability, radiometric quality, simultaneous data collection, coverage rates, scan flexibility, and minimizing data loss due to the sun, are prime capability requirements of the ABI system.
Affiliated Organization   Other Government agencies, other NOAA facilities, or research institutions that provide support (acquisition, design, development, financial resources, facilities, materials, procedures, equipment and personnel) to or are otherwise associated with the GOES-R Series Program, Flight or Ground Segment Projects, or contractors.
Algorithm Maturity   When expressed as a percentage (e.g., 80%, 100%), represents a metric of both the completeness of a data processing algorithm and the creator’s confidence in the algorithm’s ability to meet quality requirements for all expected input data.
Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)   A document delivered for each product generation algorithm that describes the algorithm such that it can be implemented and tested in the Ground System.
Ancillary data   Data from a source other than a GOES-R satellite required to perform an instrument's data processing
Anomaly   A discrepancy or deviation from the expected behavior. Anomalies can result from a variety of sources such as system faults, failures, incorrect configurations, unexpected events, and operator errors.
Antenna shelter   A building or enclosed structure to contain all equipment associated with the antenna station (also known as an equipment shelter).
Antenna station  

An individual component of the Antenna System that includes:
a.  the antenna structure, including reflector, axis gears and drives, pedestal, and equipment shelter and enclosure(s);
b.  feeds and sub-reflector(s);
c.  the receive/transmits paths to the Intermediate Frequency Distribution Switching  matrix;
d.  frequency translator;
e.  monitoring and control;
f.  cableway(s) and cables, including cabling between the shelter and site operations building;
g.  power to pads from operations building interface;
h.  grounding and lightning protection;
i.  pad, service area, and road extension to pad; 
j.  security fence, cameras, and locks;
k.  antenna and station lighting

Antenna System (Ground Segment )


Provides the Ground Segment  portion of the interface with the GOES-R series satellites and includes:
a.  the set of antenna stations
b.  GOES-R Antenna Monitor, Control, and Test subsystem (GAMCATS)
c.  Intermediate Frequency Distribution Switching (IFDS) matrices
d.  cables and infrastructure
e.  timing and frequency reference system at the RBU
f.  interfaces to existing WCDAS and NSOF timing and frequency reference systems
g.  access roadways
h.  Data Collection System (DCS) antenna(s) and equipment at RBU to generate and uplink Data Collection Platform Report pilot tone.

Applicable documents   Documents to be used as though they were included within the citing document.
Archive (Ground Segment)   Capability at a Data Center for maintaining a permanent electronic record of designated files, data, and documentation.
Assembly   An integrated set of components and/or subassemblies that comprise a defined part of a subsystem.
Attitude Knowledge   Attitude knowledge is the difference between the true attitude and estimated attitude.
Audit   A review of the Prime Contractor’s, or subcontractor's documentation, software or hardware to verify that it complies with project requirements.
Authorized user   Users authorized to have access to GOES-R ground segment distribution function and associated products, data, and information. 
Autonomy   The ability to implement an automatic pre-defined response to a stimulus and / or condition that results in a change of the operational mode and / or status of a piece of hardware and /or software independent of external intervention.
Auxiliary Communication Services   A collection of five GOES communication services: GOES Re Broadcast (GRB); Emergency Managers Weather Information Network/High Rate Information Transmission (HRIT/EMWIN), (formerly known as EMWIN/LRIT); Data Collection System (DCS);Search and Rescue (SAR); and Spacecraft Tracking
Availability   The probability that a system can provide functionality meeting requirements.
Availability, operational   See Operational Availability