GOES-R Series Risk Reduction Program

GOES-R Series Risk Reduction is a program meant to promote applied research based on the use of GOES-R data. Scientists conduct research and outreach activities that are needed for users to fully leverage all GOES-R series instruments and capabilities. The program strongly encourages projects that make use of data from multiple platforms (satellite, radar, numerical weather prediction output, surface observations, etc.), and whose overall goal is a product that directly benefits operational forecasters.

Risk Reduction Vision

  • Capable, informed users
  • Flexible, inventive providers
  • Knowledge brokers that recognize new connections between capabilities and needs
  • Champions of new opportunities

In March 2014, the GOES-R Science and Demonstration Executive Board completed the review and award selection of Risk Reduction new starts for fiscal year 2014. The selection was based on peer reviews and guidance from the GOES-R Science and Demonstration Executive Board. Letters of Intent (LOI) were requested last fall. Of the 70 LOIs received, 29 were recommended for the step two full-proposal submission. Of the 29 full proposals received, 19 were selected for awards in FY14. An additional 4 new starts were awarded for FY15.

GOES-R series Risk Reduction Fiscal Year 2014 New Starts

GOES-R series Risk Reduction Fiscal Year 2015 New Starts

GOES-R series Risk Reduction Fiscal Year 2016 New Starts