GOES-R Series Resources
Looking for information on a certain topic? Need the definition of a term or acronym you encountered on www.goes-r.gov? Want an approved GOES-R logo for use in presentations and conference materials? The Resources section has what you need!
Acronyms Browse our alphabetically-organized acronym listing.
Documents Access GOES-R Series Program briefings, mission operations and requirements documents, education and outreach materials, and user readiness resources.
Fact Sheets Quick information guides on topics including GOES-R series instruments, ground system, Proving Ground demonstrations and products.
FAQs Get answers to frequently asked questions about the GOES-R series, geostationary satellites, and weather in general.
Glossary Learn definition of terms unique to or uniquely-defined for the GOES-R Series Program.
Logos Official GOES-R and GOES-R Proving Ground logos in a variety of formats and sizes in both color and black and white, for use in presentation materials.
Proving Ground Documents Proving Ground Demonstration Plans and Final Reports
Quarterly Newsletter The newsletter is designed to help improve and expand the GOES-R Series Program’s communications with our key stakeholders, industry partners, and the public. It highlights the significant news and activities happening across the program.
Related Links Find additional information about topics discussed on www.goes-r.gov and our NOAA, NASA, Cooperative Institutes, and industry partners.
Scientific Publications Published material specific to the GOES-R Series Program by GOES-R personnel and affiliated NOAA, NASA, and Cooperative Institute partners.
Site Map A list of all content pages on the site.

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