General Social Media Chats

While FTC staff may host regular Twitter Chats, we also participate occasionally in social chats on a variety of other platforms.

Some past examples include Facebook and reddit. Chats on these platforms tend to be easier to follow as the host may post one status update, and participants submit their questions within a common comment thread. However, the specific details will vary across platforms. Chat times may also vary, but staff will do their best to alert participants to the length of the chat in advance, and give updates about their live participation throughout the chat.

We will create transcripts of chats on third-party sites and post them here. Generally, we redact personal information such as name or user names, but the original content will live on the third-party site. For information about how the FTC uses these third-party sites including any record retention, please review the relevant Privacy Impact Assessment.

Here are transcripts from the FTC’s previous social chats:

FTC Robocall Contests Ask Me AnythingJune 2015RedditPatty Hsue from the Bureau of Consumer Protection’s Division of Marketing Practices participated in a reddit AMA about the FTC’s robocall contests, DetectaRobo and Robocalls: Humanity Strikes Back. Contest judges and our contest partner, Pindrop Security, also participated in the conversation.
Ask Me Almost AnythingNovember 2013RedditCommission Maureen Ohlhausen participated in a reddit AMAA about data security, privacy, and more.
Business Opportunity ScamsNovember 2012FacebookFTC Staff Attorney Janice Kopec answered questions about the FTC’s crackdown on Business Opportunity Scams.
FTC Robocall ChallengeOctober 2012FacebookFTC staff attorney Kati Daffan answered questions about the agency’s first public challenge.
GoogleAugust 2012FacebookFTC staff attorneys Megan Gray and Megan Bartley answered questions live about the FTC’s settlement with Google.
RobocallsJuly 2012FacebookFTC staff attorney Kati Daffan answered questions live about the FTC's new robocalls initiatives.
Skechers SettlementMay 2012FacebookFTC East Central Region attorney Larissa Bungo answered questions live about the FTC’s settlement with Skechers.
Final FTC Privacy ReportMarch 2012FacebookChris Olsen answered questions live about the FTC’s final privacy report.