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ISO - International Organization for Standardization - Geneva, Switzerland

ISO - International Organization for Standardization
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  1. Recent Posts by OthersSee All
    • Updates
      7 hours ago
    • World Quality Day 2012 is on 8th of November this year.. Second Thursday of November..
      Tuesday at 4:53pm
    • หวานซ่า ล์บแล คุณชายเทพ บริวาร
      Tuesday at 4:35pm
    •  Dear friends .... Who are interested in Microbial Food Safety !?!?! follow this link hope be useful for all : ) find more, just follow my page !!
      Tuesday at 4:29pm
  2. Happy World Standards Day! 14 October 2012
  3. Interested in consumer issues? The ISO Committee on consumer policy (Iso Copolco) just got its own Facebook page!
    ISO/COPOLCO is the policy-making arm and "think tank" on consumer matters for ISO.
    Page: 61 like this
  4. Doctor, I am not feeling too good...

    To understand the job of condition-monitoring technicians, we can say that they are to machines what doctors are to people.

    They assess the “health” of a machine using technologies like vibration (he...
    art beat), oil (blood), coolant (urine), thermal imaging (temperature) and ultrasound (lungs).

    They can then evaluate the condition of a machine, its problems, causes and solutions, and a prognosis of remaining life.

    And just like in the medical industry, these machine “doctors” need to be qualified, and rely on harmonized and consistent methods for data acquisition, processing, interpretation and system management.

    ISO has a committee working hard to create all these standards, including the one for qualifying these “doctors”, ISO 18436 (Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines – Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel)
    See More
    Photo: Doctor, I am not feeling too good...

To understand the job of condition-monitoring technicians, we can say that they are to machines what doctors are to people. 

They assess the “health” of a machine using technologies like vibration (heart beat), oil (blood), coolant (urine), thermal imaging (temperature) and ultrasound (lungs). 

They can then evaluate the condition of a machine, its problems, causes and solutions, and a prognosis of remaining life. 

And just like in the medical industry, these machine “doctors” need to be qualified, and rely on harmonized and consistent methods for data acquisition, processing, interpretation and system management. 

ISO has a committee working hard to create all these standards, including the one for qualifying these “doctors”, ISO 18436 (Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines – Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel)

Earlier in October

Earlier in September

Earlier in 2012