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WDFW - Licensing Division
600 Capitol Way N.
Olympia, WA 98501-1091


Department News
An invasive European green crab was found in Westcott Bay, San Juan Island. For further information, the news release can be found here.

The Shellfish Import and Transfer team is currently preparing a 1 pager focused on Oyster herpes virus information - Stay tuned.

Shellfish Import Permit
Adobe PDF Adobe PDF Version  Microsoft Word  Microsoft Word Version
Supplemental Information [PDF]

Shellfish Transfer Permit
Adobe PDF Adobe PDF Version  Microsoft Word  Microsoft Word Version

Supplemental Information [PDF]

Washington State Oyster Drill
Restricted Area Locations

Washington State Oyster Drill Restricted Area Locations
Washington State Oyster Drill Adobe PDF Version
Restricted Areas Maps

As specified in WAC 220-72-076, it is unlawful to import from out of state or transfer shellfish within Washington State without first obtaining a Washington state Shellfish Import or Shellfish Transfer Permit. Once a person submits a complete shellfish import permit or shellfish transfer permit, Unless further information is required from the applicant, the Department will submit transfer and import permit applications to a required 20 working day tribal review, prior to being issued.

Import permits from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife are required for the import of live shellfish from waters or facilities outside the State of Washington.  This includes, but is not limited to, shellfish for aquaculture, research or display purposes.  Shellfish which are market ready and do not come into contact with state waters do not require a permit.

Import permits will include conditions to ensure that diseases, pests and invasive species do not enter the State’s waters. Permits may be modified or revoked upon a finding of an aquatic disease or pest or upon determination of violation of the conditions of a permit. (RCW 77.15.350)

Transfer permits from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife are required for the  transfer of shellfish, shellfish aquaculture products (including oyster seed, cultch and shell), aquaculture equipment (including aquaculture vehicles and vessels) or any marine organisms adversely affecting shellfish.  Shellfish Transfer Permit include conditions that eliminate or reduce the risk of transferring marine pests, such as oyster drills, from one body of water to another.  Certain areas are identified as oyster drill areas (WAC 220-72-011 and 220-72-015). Transfer permit conditions document transfer vehicles, cleaning and disposal methods and other preventative measures. 

Applications for shellfish import and transfer permits can be found on this page. Refer to the supplemental information pamphlets for assistance and for further information on these permits and conditions. Applications are available as a Word Document (.doc) and as a PDF. Both of these formats can be filled in using a computer, saved, and e-mailed to the contacts listed below. Documents filled out electronically and sent via e-mail are preferred, but the PDF can also be printed and filled in by hand if need be. If for any reason you have trouble opening either of these forms, please contact us for assistance.

To submit a shellfish transfer or import application or for further information please contact:

Brady Blake
(360) 302-3030 ex 301

Paul Clarke
(360) 302-3030 ex 304

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
375 Hudson Street
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Fax: 360-302-3031