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Idaho's Labor Market Information System
Your source for labor market information for the state of Idaho. Within this site you can find economic information to help you make informed decisions whether you are an employer or a job seeker, a student or an economic analyst.  
What's News
January Jobless Rate Holds Steady at Four Year Low
Idaho’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for January remained unchanged at a four-year low of 6.3 percent. Read more ...

The slow recovery from the Great Recession continued to have an impact on Idaho households in 2011, dropping median household income for the third straight year. Read more ...  (9/20/2012)

My Next Move
My Next MoveDo you already know the type of job in which you are interested? If not, will you know it when you see it? Or are you not really sure at all? Let us help you! My Next Move is specifically designed to help you determine the right career for you, and to help you find a job that you will enjoy.  Go to My Next Move  02/09/2011

mySkills myFuture: Career One Stop
Explore new career options based on the skills you’ve used in a past job. The mySkills myFuture tool lets you compare careers, find training, and search for jobs.  Go to mySkills myFuture 09/14/2010

2013 Targeted Employment Area Designation
Under section 203(b)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. §1153(b)(5), 10,000 immigrant visas per year are available to qualified individuals seeking permanent resident status on the basis of their engagement in a new commercial enterprise. Permanent EB-5 resident status is available to investors, either alone or coming with their spouse and unmarried children. Eligible aliens are those who have invested – or are actively in the process of investing – the required amount of capital into a new commercial enterprise that they have established. They must further demonstrate that this investment will benefit the United States economy and create the requisite number of full-time jobs for qualified persons within the United States. To find out more information about whether your area can qualify as a targeted employment area contact the Idaho Department of Labor.

The Idaho targeted employment areas outlined in this document are areas that fulfill certain economic requirements that distinguish between an investment of $500,000 or $1,000,000. Read more ... 01/03/2013

Latest Idaho Statistics
& Publications

Idaho Employment Newsletter


Statewide 6.3%
(Seasonally Adjusted, Preliminary. Jan. 2013)
1,584,985 (2011)
1,571,102 (2010)
1,554,439 (2009)