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DigitalGov University

DigitalGov University (DGU) is the events platform for DigitalGov. DGU provides programming to build and accelerate digital capacity by providing webinars and in-person events highlighting innovations, case studies, tools and resources. If you’d like to find out how to create an online or in-person DGU event, or partner with them on your own event, please contact the team via email.

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Gathering of people at an inperson training event

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Event Recaps

  • Social Network Webinar Recap: Social Media + External Affairs = Outreach Success - Summary: How to leverage your resources to reach Spanish-dominant Hispanics online. A recent DigitalGov University (DGU) webinar provided an introduction to the intersection of two teams with different audiences reaching consensus on goals to maximize insight and outreach effectiveness. Social Media Outreach Goals What does social media outreach success look like? Success is when agencies […]
  • SnapChat "Ghost" icon from iTunes app store Webinar Recap: Snaps and Stripes—Sharing Public Service Stories with Snapchat - What does Snapchat, the disappearing message-and-video platform most used by teenagers, have to do with government outreach and communications programs? Well, Snapchat has quickly become an incredibly effective digital storytelling medium, and content creators across multiple government agencies have adopted it as an important part of their programs. A recent New York Times article described […]
  • A Google Cardboard virtual reality viewer. Webinar Recap: A Look At Google’s Media Tool and Platform Offerings - Suddenly, digital video is everywhere on your social timelines. As a government storyteller, you may be overwhelmed about all the tools available and all of the features each publishing platform has to offer. Facebook, Twitter and SnapChat all offer great video platforms that are free and easy to use, plus they make it easy for you to market to […]
  • full logo. What is Citizen Science? A Recent Webinar Explores How the Federal Government Engages the Public via Crowdsourcing - From the National Park Service (NPS) to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the use of citizen science has become a prominent factor in the science community and a critical tool for the federal government. A recent DigitalGov University (DGU) webinar provides an introduction to the concept and shows how the federal government is using […]
  • Screen capture of the "DAP 101" webinar showing NASA analytics in Audience Overview Analytics Trainings: 2016 So Far - In 2016, the Digital Analytics Program (DAP) team has ramped up our training schedule. We appreciate all the DAP users that have attended our trainings and we’re happy to provide the material. We’ve had many users ask about video of our sessions, so we wanted to provide you with some of our recorded trainings from […]