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Communities unite federal teams with almost 10,000 memberships across 16 active mission areas—the largest and most active inter-agency network of transformative federal government managers—as critical mission hubs that provide a platform for sharing, developing and implementing strategies.

Their contributions are limitless in their impact, including the introduction of citizen voice platforms like Yelp for public services and Artificial Intelligence for customer service, the support of more than 700 prizes and competitions, inter-Community platforms like the U.S. Digital Registry, development of the U.S. Public Participation Playbook and other resources for Cyber-Security and Accessibility for persons with Disabilities, and mobile products that put services in the hands of citizens.

Communities Objectives

  • Collaborative, user-centered design of inter-agency programs and shared resources
  • Compliance and participatory input in policies and guidance
  • Opening mindsets for disrupting and modernizing services
  • Measurement of performance on micro and macro scales
  • Sharing of new best practices, with equal access to the best information available
  • Implementation of strategies with the White House DigitalGov University and others

Communities Roster

Agile/Lean: increasing awareness of the Lean Startup philosophy and Agile methodologies, which have proven—in the private and public sector—to increase team efficiency and customer satisfaction while reducing project risk and cost.

  • 350 memberships
  • To join, email the Listserv with no subject line and “subscribe agile-lean-cop” in the body

Artificial Intelligence for Citizen Services Community: analyzing and developing Artificial Intelligence capabilities to improve performance and accessibility of citizen services.

320-x-212-Federal-SocialGov-Community-Citizen-Services-Social-Media-5BusinessUSA: growing America’s business and exports.

Challenges & Prizes Community: building communities of problem-solvers through open competitions that empower citizens and drive innovation in support of agency missions and the greater good.

  • 700 memberships
  • To join, email Challenges with “Join Challenges Community” in the subject

320-x-212-Federal-SocialGov-Community-Citizen-Services-Social-Media-4Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science Community: designing, implementing, and evaluating crowdsourcing and citizen science initiatives.

  • 700 memberships
  • To join, email the Listserv. The message should have no subject and the body should say, “subscribe FCPCCS”

Digital Audio/Video Production and Strategy Community: creating and managing video content throughout the US Government among videographers, video editors, directors, producers, technologists, strategists and editorial teams.

320-x-212-Federal-SocialGov-Community-Citizen-Services-Social-Media-7G3C: improving government contact centers.

Government Customer Experience: improving the public’s experience when they interact with government.

320-x-212-Federal-SocialGov-Community-Citizen-Services-Social-Media-6MobileGov: creating anytime, anywhere government resources and solutions with collaborations including the Federal Crowdsource Mobile Testing Program, the Structured and Open Content Models Working Group.

Multilingual Digital Group: expanding and improving digital content on different platforms in languages other than English.

320-x-212-Federal-SocialGov-Community-Citizen-Services-Social-Media-1Open Data: uniting open data leads at federal agencies, data stewards, and all others in government interested in open data issues.

  • 700 memberships
  • To join, email the Listserv with no subject line, and “subscribe open-data” in the body

Plain Language Action and Information: supporting the use of clear communication in government writing.

320-x-212-Federal-SocialGov-Community-Citizen-Services-Social-Media-9SocialGov: working with missions across government, the White House, international partners, public private partnerships, and citizens to promote the effective and responsible use of digital engagement, participation and collaboration programs for citizens.

User Experience: developing successful government products and services through the practice of user-centered design, casting a broad tent in the user experience, customer experience, service design, innovation, behavioral design and other fields.

Virtual/Augmented Reality Community: researching and developing Virtual and Augmented Reality programs to improve the citizen experience of public services and resources.

Web Content Managers: sharing ideas, challenges, lessons learned, and best practices in managing the content of government websites.

  • 2,000 memberships
  • To join, email Alycia Piazza with “Join Web Content Managers” in subject  and confirm in the email that you are a government employee.

Community Guidelines

While the makeup of every individual Community may be unique—whether featuring collaborative channels, listservs, workshops, training and/or blog posts—they all share a commitment to data-driven problem solving, learning, and the development of shared solutions.

In order to maintain an official Community, facilitators must provide the following:

  • Mission statement
  • Intended outcomes achievable within six months and one year
  • Performance measurements to gauge the impact, growth or other factors
  • Strategy to share insights from the Community to other groups and the public

Members of a Community must use official .gov or .mil email addresses, and understand that they are acting in their official capacities represented through their U.S. government agencies, and subject to the Freedom of Information Act and other related laws and standards.

For more information on Communities, or to propose a new inter-agency network, please email Justin Herman.
