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Publications PHD725
Tips for Teens: The Truth About HIV/AIDS

Tips for Teens: The Truth About HIV/AIDS

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Informs teens about HIV/AIDS, including how it is transmitted and behaviors that increase the risk of transmission. Includes signs and symptoms, suggestions for getting tested, and how to help a friend who has HIV or AIDS. Q&A page and resources.

Pub id: PHD725
Publication Date: 11/2004
Popularity: 51
Format: Brochure
Audience: Young Adults as Audience, Adolescents as Audience
Series: Tips for Teens

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11/01/2012 11:26 PM

A professional from a Other said:

I am a peer volunteer at my methadone clinic. My husband and I co-chair a weekly Keys 2 Recovery meeting for the patients at our clinic and we write a newsletter for our clinic as well. The phamplets and info I get from you are very helpful by giving me honest information I can talk to the patients about so they can learn more about their addictions and with that I hope it will help them get clean and stay that way.