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Groundfish Assessment - Survey Profile

Survey Objectives

Dataflow from catch processing to fishery management. Scientists at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center conduct groundfish trawl surveys in waters off the coast of California north to the Bering Sea. The objectives of these surveys are to:

  • Describe the temporal distribution and abundance of commercially and ecologically important groundfish species.
  • Examine the changes in the species composition and size and age compositions of species over time and space.
  • Examine reproductive biology and food habits of the groundfish community.
  • Describe the physical environment of the groundfish habitat.

As the flowchart above depicts, data collected from trawl surveys and other related sources of information are used in various mathematical models to help researchers analyze biomass and mortality dynamics. Information derived from the computer simulations is then used by fishery management scientists to help predict appropriate harvest guidelines and regulatory measures for commercial groundfish species in upcoming seasons.

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