Introducing Washington’s Wildlife Areas

Since 1939, state leaders have sought to preserve habitat for fish and wildlife by acquiring key areas for public ownership. Today, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) owns or manages nearly a million acres of land divided into 33 designated Wildlife Areas across the state. In addition to Wildlife Areas, WDFW also owns or manages more than 700 Water Access Sites that provide boating access to lakes, rivers and marine areas.

 Find out more...

Sagebrush Flat Wildlife Area - Dormaier Unit
The Discover Pass - Your ticket to Washington's great outdoors
Learn more about the
Discover Pass at
Water Access Sites
Weekender Report
Wildlife Area Viewing Guide
Washington State Parks
Accessing Washington's Outdoors (ADA)
Washington State Accessible Outdoor Recreation Guide (AOR)
Public Conduct Rules for
Washington Department of Fish and
Wildlife (WDFW) lands
With increases in users and types of use on WDFW lands, and after years of discussion and extensive public review, the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted new public conduct rules (Washington Administrative Code 232-13) in December 2007 to protect fish and wildlife habitats, public safety, and equal opportunity.   Find out more...
Wildlife Area Management Plans
Wildlife Area Habitat Conservation Plans
Lands 20/20: A Clear Vision For The Future
Land Line: Newsletter of the WDFW Land Management Division:
Interactive mapping for hunting and recreational activities in Washington