IPR Search

Draft search results

Total number of IPR disclosures found: 2.

Date ID Statement
2008-08-07 975 Eric Rescorla's Statement about IPR related to RFC 2246, RFC 4346, and draft-ietf-tls-des-idea-02 belonging to Ascom AG
2008-08-07 974 Eric Rescorla's Statement about IPR related to RFC 2246, RFC 4346, and draft-ietf-tls-rfc4346-bis-10 belonging to Netscape (now AOL)

Total number of documents searched: 2.

Date ID Statement
Results for draft-ietf-tls-protocol ("The TLS Protocol Version 1.0"):
No IPR disclosures have been submitted directly on draft-ietf-tls-protocol, but there are disclosures on a related document, listed on this page.
Results for RFC2246 ("The TLS Protocol Version 1.0"):
2008-08-07 974 Eric Rescorla's Statement about IPR related to RFC 2246, RFC 4346, and draft-ietf-tls-rfc4346-bis-10 belonging to Netscape (now AOL)
2008-08-07 975 Eric Rescorla's Statement about IPR related to RFC 2246, RFC 4346, and draft-ietf-tls-des-idea-02 belonging to Ascom AG

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