As the state’s human population continues to grow, more fish and wildlife species have been put at risk by loss and fragmentation of critical habitat, disturbance and introduction of non-native species. The Threatened and Endangered Species section of the WDFW oversees the listing and recovery of those species in danger of being lost in the state.

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Photo of of a Lynx in snow staring intently at the camera. WDFW seeks comments on protective status of 5 wildlife species
State wildlife managers are seeking public input on their recommendations to change the listing status for five protected wildlife species in Washington. Learn more >>
Photo of Report Cover Page.
Threatened and Endangered Wildlife: 2012 Annual Report
This report summarizes recent recovery actions for the 46 endangered, threatened, and sensitive wildlife species in Washington, with an emphasis on activities occurring in 2012. It also includes accounts for 26 of the 113 species that are candidates for listing as endangered, threatened, or sensitive. Learn more >>
Species of Concern List
Photo of Pygmy Rabbit being held in researcher's hands.
The pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) is the smallest rabbit in North America. It is also the only rabbit to dig its own burrows, using the deep loamy soils of habitat dominated by sagebrush, which also makes up most of its diet.
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View videos of captive-bred Pygmy rabbits
Pygmy rabbit photo gallery

Species of Concern Legal Definitions and Procedures

Western pond turtle populations have declined due to commercial exploitation for food, loss of habitat and introduced predators, such as bullfrogs and large-mouth bass. By the mid-1990s, Western pond turtles were found in just two small populations totaling about 150 turtles. Led by WDFW, the Western Pond Turtle Working Group, continues to work to overcome threats to species survival.
Population Habitat Viability Assessment
Washington State Recovery Plan for the Western Pond Turtle
Status Report for the Western Pond Turtle

Photo of Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse perched on tree branch.
Release of the final state Sharp-tailed Grouse Recovery Plan
The Columbian sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus) is the rarest of six described subspecies of sharp-tailed grouse, a close relative of prairie-chickens. The goal of the Columbian sharp-tailed grouse recovery program is to restore and maintain healthy selfsustaining populations in a significant portion of the historical range in the state. Learn more >>
Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Recovery Plan
Sharp-tailed Grouse Research
Video: Sharp-tailed Grouse Lek in Spring Snow
a Dawson Dunning Video - Running Time: 2:34