UNPFII Sixteenth Session 24 April to 5 May 2017


A wide view of the General Assembly Hall, as Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses the opening of the high-level plenary meeting of the Assembly known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples. UN Photo/Cia Pak

24 April to 5 May 2017


UN Headquarters, New York


Special Theme: “Tenth Anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: measures taken to implement the Declaration”.


Provisional agenda for Permanent Forum Sixteenth Session – PDF Version

1. Election of officers.

2. Adoption of the agenda and organization of work.

3. Follow-up to the recommendations of the Permanent Forum:

(a) Empowerment of indigenous women;
(b) Indigenous youth.

4. Implementation of the six mandated areas of the Permanent Forum with reference to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

5. Dialogue with indigenous peoples.
6. Dialogue with Member States.
7. Dialogue with the funds, programmes and specialized agencies of the United Nations system.
8. Discussion on the theme “Tenth anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: measures taken to implement the Declaration”.
9. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
10. Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples and the Chair of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples with regard to indigenous human rights defenders.
11. Follow-up to the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples:
(a) Implementation of national action plans, strategies or other measures;
(b) Ways to enhance the participation of indigenous peoples at the United Nations;
(b) Implementation of the United Nations system-wide action plan on indigenous peoples.
12. Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues.
13. Provisional agenda for the seventeenth session.
14. Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its sixteenth session.


15th Session Recommendations

  • Recommendations to Member States   EN | ES | FR | RU |
  • Recommendations to the UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes   EN | ES | FR | RU |


  • Member States  EN | ES | FR | RU |
  • UN System  EN | ES | FR | RU |
  • National Human Rights Institutions  EN | ES | FR | RU |
  • Indigenous Peoples Organizations / Institutions and NGOs   EN | ES | FR | RU |