In The Field

On any given day, a third of USIP’s peacebuilders are deployed, deploying or returning from active conflict zones, where they support efforts by local leaders and activists. These “In the Field” accounts, often written by the Institute experts involved, outline the professional education, training or programs involved, how they work and why they matter.

To Reduce Extremism, Bridge the Government-Society Divide

One after another, the women told their stories: the stigma, the repeated questioning by officials, the police anti-terrorism units following them. The women had become civic activists after losing their sons or husbands to the lure of violent extremism. They said they just wanted to make sure no one else suffered the same pain. But all the authorities could see was the relative of an extremist.

It was divides like this between religious leaders or people of faith on the one hand, and police or government officials on the other, that the U.S. Institute of Peace sought to bridge in a recent symposium in Mombasa, Kenya, that brought together more than three dozen men and women of faith with government and security officials from 11 countries.

While participants agreed broadly that the religious community was vital to addressing radicalization, they didn’t necessarily agree on how.

Palwasha Kakar, Melissa Nozell and Muhammad Fraser-Rahim
Thu, 12/22/2016 - 18:18
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In Central African Republic, a Door Opens to Citizen Voices

On a cool Friday morning in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, the conference room is silent for the first time in days. Expert presentations on disarmament and security sector reform, followed by lively debates, had filled the room since Wednesday afternoon. Now, only the air conditioning hums as a diverse group of mid- and-senior level officials and civic leaders—gathered by the U.S. Institute of Peace—pore over findings from citizen consultations held in communities around the country. They are men and women, Muslims and Christians. Their positions in ministries and civil society groups in the capital, Bangui, make them part of the political elite, a class that has historically governed the country without input from its constituents. Now, after decades of violence and instability, that’s beginning to change.

Located in the heart of Africa, the Central African Republic (CAR) is a former French colony that has suffered from persistent insecurity since gaining independence in 1960. This is due in part to the fact that its system of governance was never designed to govern: Based on the old colonial structure, it was geared primarily to serve international interests and local elites seeking to exploit CAR’s diamonds, gold, oil and uranium. The powerful profited while the rest of the population suffered from extreme poverty and sporadic outbreaks of violence. For decades, this was the status quo.

Rachel Sullivan
Fri, 09/23/2016 - 14:40
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Dialogue Leaders Push Past Traumas of War, Determined to Grasp for Peace, Part 3

(cont’d from Part 1 and Part 2)
At the center of some of the world’s most violent conflict zones, a cadre of civic leaders and scholars are defying cynicism and fatalism to achieve what few believe possible: facilitating sustainable negotiated agreements that forestall cycles of violence, allow people who’ve fled violence in their communities to return home, and establish new terms for peaceful cooperation.

Viola Gienger

Tue, 04/05/2016 - 09:49
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Dialogue Facilitators Reach for Tradition to Heal Modern Rifts, Part 2

(cont’d from Part 1)
Zoughbi Zoughbi, an expert in mediation from the West Bank city of Bethlehem, likes to tell a story that reflects traditions in the region. It’s about a local man who gets angry because someone has taken his watch. An offer of compensation, even twice the value of the timepiece, won’t suffice, writes Zoughbi, a member of a U.S. Institute of Peace conflict resolution program in the Middle East and North Africa, in a handbook published by his non-profit organization. The victim, Zoughbi explains, “wants to know why you took his watch and did not respect his property.” If the victim finds out, for example, that the thief took the watch to feed 10 starving children at home, “he will give you his second watch.”

Viola Gienger

logo​The anecdote illustrates the the value of reaching back into Arab tradition for insight and approaches that could fortify efforts at non-violent conflict resolution today. In the turmoil that has engulfed the once-peaceful revolutions of 2011’s Arab Spring, Zoughbi is among some 60 civil society leaders across the region connected in USIP networks to search for and apply innovative methods of dialogue for defusing violent conflict.

Tue, 03/22/2016 - 16:31
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In MENA Region’s Turmoil, USIP Dialogues Confront Tensions, Part 1

In the midst of Tunisia’s fragile transition, angry standoffs emerge frequently, echoes of the tensions that triggered the Arab Spring five years ago. As the informal economy mushrooms, for example, the police—reared under authoritarian rule—regularly crack down on street vendors selling everything from clothes to food to appliances. One such incident flared in 2014, and the risk of violence was palpable. It was just the kind of scenario that called for the skills of someone like Tarek Lamouchi.

Viola Gienger

Tue, 03/15/2016 - 13:48
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In Syrian War, Peace, Politics and Possibilities Are a Local Affair

While the mass bloodshed of Syria’s civil war so far has spared many Kurdish and Arab farming villages in Syria’s far northeast, the war has exacerbated communal tensions there. So recently, 14 religious, tribal and civic leaders from one locality traveled to neighboring Iraq for talks to ease those tensions and prevent an outbreak of violence.

In an unprecedented three days of meetings, the leaders agreed to launch two projects to  improve people’s lives in their locale, al-Qahtaniyah: They would open a critical road closed by militia forces, and help displaced local families return home. The U.S. Institute of Peace arranged the talks in the city of Erbil, and with a local partner is offering technical help in their efforts to avert conflict.

Osama Gharizi
Wed, 10/14/2015 - 12:03
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Boko Haram Drives Nigerian Activist to … Generation Change

The road to leadership for Imrana, a Nigerian activist, began on a bus in the country’s north, when Boko Haram militants came aboard and picked out passengers to haul into the bush. That was when the 23-year-old resolved he had to do something about his country’s bloodshed. Today, an organization he founded seeks to curb the violence that often surrounds Nigerian elections.

Imrana told his harrowing story last month in Kampala, Uganda, at a training session for 24 young Nigerian civic activists brought together by the U.S. Institute of Peace’s Generation Change program. The initiative helps some of the most accomplished nonprofit and civil society leaders in the Middle East and Africa hone leadership skills and increase their effectiveness.

Fred Strasser
Wed, 07/22/2015 - 08:54
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In the Shadow of a Massacre, a Peaceful Return in Iraq, Part II

(cont’d from Part I)
It was December 2014. USIP and its partner organizations in Iraq had recognized a June 2014 massacre at a military base near the northern city of Tikrit as a flashpoint of tension that could accelerate into a cycle of revenge killing. Predominantly Shia tribes from Iraq’s south, where many of the victims were from, had accused Sunni tribes around the base, known as Camp Speicher, of supporting, even joining in the massacre. But careful conflict resolution might prevent a further downward spiral. The intervention team set to work.

Viola Gienger

The team was led by two members of the Network of Iraqi Facilitators (NIF), which has been supported by USIP since its origins in 2004. The two are respected civic leaders with long experience informally mediating local disputes and trained by USIP in conflict resolution skills and the rigors of conflict analysis.

“It was the first time to have an intervention on such a dangerous and critical issue.” – Iraqi facilitator Abdul Aziz al-Jarba

Fri, 07/17/2015 - 13:12
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In the Shadow of a Massacre, a Peaceful Return in Iraq, Part I

In a plain-as-beige conference room at Baghdad’s Babylon Hotel, the anger flared among the 16 robed Iraqi tribal leaders. The men, after all, carried into the room the outrage and fear from one of the country’s deadliest atrocities in recent years – the execution-style slaying in June 2014 of an estimated 1,700 young Iraqi air force cadets and soldiers at a base known as Camp Speicher. The accusations flew across the conference table – that tribes in the area supported the rampage by the self-styled “Islamic State” extremist group, and even joined in the killings. At one point, one of the highest-ranking sheikhs charged up out of his seat to leave the room. It was clear that others would follow.

Viola Gienger

That scene in a Baghdad hotel in late March represented perhaps the crescendo of tension in a series of meetings and negotiations since December, supported by the U.S. Institute of Peace to forestall a new cycle of killing. The talks were led by the Network of Iraqi Facilitators (NIF) and SANAD for Peacebuilding, Iraqi non-government organizations that were established with the Institute’s support and whose members sometimes work at great personal risk.

Thu, 07/16/2015 - 08:28
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Iraqi Activists, Officials ‘SpeedGeek’ Their Way to Solutions

Even as Iraq’s Kurdish region copes with a flood of displaced Iraqis fleeing the “Islamic State” extremist group, some Kurds continue to pursue a long-planned constitution of their own. How these two very different challenges are met will help define the future of the semi-autonomous area. PeaceTech Lab is equipping civic groups and authorities with the tech savvy they need to fortify both kinds of campaigns.

Fred Strasser

The gateway to this technological power opened in a hotel conference room in Kurdistan’s second-largest city, Sulaimania, last month. While battles with the self-styled “Islamic State” continued across large swaths of Iraq in early May, the U.S. Institute of Peace partner organization SANAD for Peacebuilding in Iraq pulled together 29 activists for a three-day immersion in Sulaimania focused on how low-cost, widely available technologies can be deployed to support citizens’ campaigns.

Mon, 06/22/2015 - 13:43
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December 22, 2016
By Palwasha Kakar, Melissa Nozell and Muhammad Fraser-Rahim

One after another, the women told their stories: the stigma, the repeated questioning by officials, the police anti-terrorism units following them. The women had become civic activists after losing their sons or...

September 23, 2016
By Rachel Sullivan

On a cool Friday morning in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, the conference room is silent for the first time in days. Expert presentations on disarmament and security sector reform, followed by...

March 22, 2016
By Viola Gienger

(cont’d from Part 1)
Zoughbi Zoughbi, an expert in mediation from the West Bank city...

March 15, 2016
By Viola Gienger

In the midst of Tunisia’s fragile transition, angry standoffs emerge frequently, echoes of the tensions that triggered the Arab Spring five years ago. As the informal economy mushrooms, for example, the police—reared...

October 14, 2015
By Osama Gharizi

While the mass bloodshed of Syria’s civil war so far has spared many Kurdish and Arab farming villages in Syria’s far northeast, the war has exacerbated communal tensions there. So recently, 14 religious, tribal and...

July 22, 2015
By Fred Strasser

The road to leadership for Imrana, a Nigerian activist, began on a bus in the country’s north, when Boko Haram militants came aboard and picked out passengers to haul into the bush. That was when the 23-year-old...

July 17, 2015
By Viola Gienger

(cont’d from Part I)
It was December 2014. USIP and its partner organizations in Iraq had...

July 16, 2015
By Viola Gienger

In a plain-as-beige conference room at Baghdad’s Babylon Hotel, the anger flared among the 16 robed Iraqi tribal leaders. The men, after all, carried into the room the outrage and fear from one of the country’s...

June 22, 2015
By Fred Strasser

Even as Iraq’s Kurdish region copes with a flood of displaced Iraqis fleeing the “Islamic State” extremist group, some Kurds continue to pursue a long-planned constitution of their own. How these two very different...