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Volunteer Clearinghouse

Welcome to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Volunteer Clearninghouse.  The Corps of Engineers, which is the steward of almost 12 million acres of land and water, offers many volunteer opportunities to care for recreation facilities and natural resources.

The Volunteer Clearinghouse serves the Corps of Engineers nationwide to link potential volunteers with Park Rangers at lakes and waterways that need them.  The clearinghouse provides information about the volunteer program and directs people to the point of contact, usually a Park Ranger, at the lake or location of interest. 

Callers should be ready to provide information about their interests, talents, dates available and locations they may want to volunteer.

Corps Park Rangers, serving as volunteer coordinators, can also use the Volunteer Clearinghouse to help find volunteers.  Volunteer coordinators that need volunteers can send their volunteer vacancies to the Clearinghouse to be listed on the website.

Volunteer opportunities include:

  • Campground Host
  • Visitor Center Staff
  • Park and Trail Maintenance
  • Water Safety Program Presenter
  • Fish and Wildlife Habitat Work
  • And more!

Contact the Corps of Engineers Volunteer Clearinghouse today and volunteer!