Bridging the gaps

Operation IceBridge flies a fleet of aircraft over Earth's polar ice, using dozens of instruments to pierce through ice sheets, ice shelves, and sea ice. The NASA mission captures thousands of images and tons of data to produce more than 60 datasets, but the old IceBridge Data Portal did not make it easy for researchers to access data. So NSIDC has changed the portal. See how...


On the shoulders of giants: Why include data citations in research?

Why is citing data important? Including data citations can be just as valuable as literature citations, not only to fellow researchers, but to those who compile data, organizations distributing data, and agencies that fund research.


Bering Sea Elders participate in mapping session

Sharing a way of life

Read why and how the Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA), a project hosted at NSIDC, digitally illustrated The Northern Bering Sea: Our Way of Life, a book conveying the importance of the northern Bering Sea to tribal communities along the coast.


Screenshot of SMAP soil moisture data displayed in Worldview

A new tool through Worldview

The satellite era has ushered in massive streams of data, but how do researchers find exactly the data they need? NASA's new tool, Worldview, provides an easy visual way for users to explore Earth science data and find suitable products.