Legal/Privacy Information

USIP takes the safeguarding of your personal information seriously. We do not require you to provide any personal information to access and browse our website or to use most of our online services. 

Privacy Policy

Submitting information is strictly voluntary. By doing so, you are giving USIP your permission to use the information for the intended purpose. If you do not want to give USIP permission to use your information, simply do not provide it. However, not providing certain information may result in USIP's inability to provide you with the information or services you desire. 

We never collect information for commercial marketing purposes.

Information collected and stored automatically

We collect and temporarily store certain technical information about your visit for use in site management and security purposes. This information includes:

  1. The Internet domain from which you access our website (for example, "" if you use a private Internet access account, or "" if you connect from an educational institution);
  2. The IP address (a unique number for each computer connected to the Internet) from which you access our website;
  3. The type of browser (e.g., Chrome, Internet Explorer) used to access our site;
  4. The operating system (Windows, Unix) used to access our site;
  5. The date and time you access our site;
  6. The URLs of the pages you visit;
  7. If you visited this site from another website or search engine, the URL of the forwarding site.

This information is only used to help us make our site more useful for you. With this data we learn about the number of visitors to different sections of our site, find out what information is the most viewed, the types of technology our visitors use, and to help us make our website more useful to visitors.

Personal information volunteered by visitors

If you choose to provide us with personal information by sending us an e-mail, or by filling out a form with your personal information and submitting it through our website to register for an event, obtain a publication, or join a mailing list, we use that information only to fulfill your request or respond to your inquiry.

We do not collect personal information about our visitors unless you choose to provide this information.

Some of our pages may ask visitors who request specific information to fill out a registration form. Information collected through questionnaires, feedback forms, or other means, enables us to determine visitors' interests, with the goal of providing better service to our visitors. If you complete an online survey, USIP collects and stores responses anonymously. You are not required to complete any survey to use any feature of USIP's website.

Please keep in mind that email isn't necessarily secure. You should never send sensitive or personal information like account numbers or Social Security numbers in an email.

Information from children

In general, this website is not intended for use by persons under 13 years of age unless they have a parent or guardians' permission. We do not knowingly solicit or collect personal information from or about children, other than that detailed in the previous sections that is automatically collected on every visitor unless you choose to provide information to us. We provide many on-line tools and services in support of our mission. A child under 13 years old may inadvertently provide personal information to one of these services. If this should happen, the information about the child will be deleted immediately upon discovery.


A cookie is a small file that a website transfers to your computer to allow it to remember specific information about your session while you are connected. Your computer will only share the information in the cookie with the website that provided it, and no other website can request it. There are two types of cookies, session and persistent. Session cookies last only as long as your Web browser is open. Once you close your browser, the cookie disappears. Persistent cookies store information on your computer for longer periods of time. may use session cookies for technical purposes such as to enable better navigation through the site, or to allow you to customize your preferences for interacting with the site. At this time, uses one persistent cookie to provide for a better user experience during the transition from our old website to our new website. This cookie is set to expire after six months. This cookie stores no personal information. If you wish to delete this cookie, please follow these directions.

At no time is your private information, whether stored in cookies or elsewhere, shared with third parties who have no right to that information. If you do not wish to have session or persistent cookies stored on your machine, you can turn them off in your browser. However, this may affect the functioning of some sections of our site.

Links to other websites

USIP links to many websites created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations or individuals, including links on social media websites. We provide links to these sites as a service to our users. The presence of a link is not an endorsement of the site or its contents by USIP. These links are provided purely for reference purposes.

When users follow a link to an outside website, they are leaving USIP and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the outside website(s). USIP is not responsible for the information collection practices of non-USIP sites. 

Intellectual property/copyright statement

USIP regularly publishes an array of comprehensive analysis and policy recommendations on current international affairs issues in the form of books, reports, and other materials for printing on physical material and as files for electronic distribution. The views expressed in them are those of the editors and authors alone. They do not necessarily reflect views of the United States Institute of Peace.

Materials on our site are copywritten by their various owners unless otherwise noted. Please contact the source of the material for full copyright information.

Materials credited to USIP: ©Copyright 2015 by the Endowment of the United States Institute of Peace. All rights reserved.

To request permission to use USIP-owned materials, please visit the permission instructions page. For other materials, please contact its source for full copyright information.

Image copyright statement

Images credited to their various sources retain the copyright of their owner. Please contact the source of the image for full copyright information.

USIP-owned photos are available for download from our photo galleries. We do, however, require that you credit USIP by including the following information with your photo: (Photo Courtesy: USIP). We also ask that you link back to our website,, if possible. 

Images credited to NY Times: All rights reserved by New York Times Syndication Sales Corp. This material may not be copied, published, broadcast, or redistributed in any manner. Images used under license.   Images credited to AP: The Associated Press. All rights reserved. Used under license from The Associated Press.

Website technology accessibility statement

We continually strive to ensure the pages on this website are accessible to individuals using assistive technologies. If you have any difficulty viewing any page with assistive technology, please contact the webmaster for this site.

Documents on are presented in many formats. These formats are generally accessible to users using screen reading software. Some files on this website may be posted as Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Adobe provides their Acrobat Reader software as a free download.

Website contact

If you need assistance with this privacy policy, statement, or website, please contact the webmaster for this site via e-mail or by writing:

United States Institute of Peace
2301 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20037

If you need information about permission to republish, please follow these directions.