Blog Posts

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 results.

August 2019

Aug 12, 2019

The FTC’s Bureau of Economics is updating its guidance regarding the best practices for submitting data and economic analysis related to antitrust investigations. BE routinely engages in econometric...

November 2017

Nov 2, 2017

Recently, the Bureau of Economics published "Conditional Pricing Practices -- A Short Primer" as part of its...

March 2016

Mar 8, 2016
“Oh, if I could but live another century and see the fruition of all the work for women. There is so much yet to be done.” – Suffragist Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906)

The consumer movement, trust-busting, the women’s movement, and the work of the FTC have traveled...

July 2015

Jul 8, 2015

In a variety of industries, the FTC advocates for policies that promote competition. Why? Because studies show competition works, for our citizens and for our economy. Competition typically improves consumer welfare through lower prices, expanded output, better service and more innovation....

May 2015

May 11, 2015

A fundamental principle of competition is that consumers – not regulation – should determine what they buy and how they buy it. Consumers may benefit from the ability to buy cars directly from manufacturers – whether they are shopping for luxury cars or economy vehicles. The same competition...

February 2015

Feb 18, 2015

Reminder: your appointment is coming up soon! Staff of the Federal Trade Commission and the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division just posted the agenda for next week’s two-day health...

Feb 2, 2015

Take a deep breath and hold it. Release. Now open your mouth and say, “aaahhh.”

Just as it is prudent to have your health examined regularly by professionals, we believe it is wise to periodically examine the competitive dynamics in the ever-evolving health care marketplace, a critical...

December 2014

Dec 2, 2014

As the FTC celebrates its Centennial, we are thankful for all of the very talented folks who chose to spend part or all of their career with us protecting consumers and promoting competition. You can visit FTC Moments to read,...

November 2014

Nov 5, 2014

This is a special week for the Federal Trade Commission. On Thursday evening, November 6, along with the Antitrust Section of the ABA, the FTC will host our 100th Anniversary Dinner, a public event for FTC staff, alumni, friends, and supporters. Information about the event and tickets can be...

October 2014

Oct 7, 2014

The FTC has been a consistent proponent of competition in health care markets, utilizing our full range of study, advocacy, and enforcement tools. We are equally proud of our track record in...

September 2014

Sep 26, 2014

One hundred years ago today, the New York Times’ news pages were filled with coverage of the outbreak of World War I in Europe. There were stories about the newly opened Panama Canal and the growing movement for women’s suffrage. For $200, an ad in the paper offered readers the chance to...

Sep 22, 2014

In recent years, the U.S. health care sector has seen numerous innovations in the way care is organized and reimbursed (e.g., accountable care organizations, bundled payments, etc.), all with the goal of reducing expenditures and improving quality. One innovation that has received a great deal...

Sep 9, 2014

I recently spoke at a conference at the American Antitrust Institute.

June 2014

Jun 13, 2014

In a recently published article, we discuss our finding that generic drug companies successfully use low-pricing strategies to discourage entry by new competitors in certain circumstances. We identify the...

April 2014

Apr 24, 2014

Consumers once shopped predominantly at their local stores; but first mail order catalogs and today the Internet have created new ways to shop for and purchase a wide range of goods and services. Similarly, consumers once arranged for taxis by hailing one from a street corner or by calling a...

January 2014

Jan 2, 2014

Every new year brings an opportunity for reflection on the past and the future. 2014 is a milestone for the Federal Trade Commission as it marks 100 years since President Woodrow Wilson signed the FTC Act into law. We will be commemorating our centennial throughout the year by reflecting on our...

December 2013

Dec 9, 2013

With the agency’s 100th anniversary just around the corner, we’re giving the public an updated The revised site provides better access to information about us and our efforts to protect consumers and promote competition. 

When we designed the site, we listened to advice from lots of regular people, as well as experts in the competition and consumer protection communities. The result? An overhauled that is more powerful, easy to use and attractive.

Dec 9, 2013

Welcome to Competition Matters, the FTC’s newest blog for all things competition. We hope to become your go-to spot for the latest insights and events from the Bureau of Competition, the Bureau of Economics, and the Office of Policy Planning. We’ll also have occasional missives from our Office...