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Recently in Energy Independence

I had the privilege last week to travel across the 5th District, visiting with constituents and hearing their concerns. One of their major concerns was the high cost of energy. East Texas families and job creators are struggling to fill up their pickup trucks and their cars. They are struggling to take their children to school and their elderly parents to the doctor.
This week, we officially marked the beginning of summer. For many Americans, summer is a time of travel. However, with gas prices averaging just under $4.00 and unemployment above 8 percent for the past 28 months—the worst jobless streak since...
Americans are getting fed up when they fill up, and it’s time for Washington to take common sense action to reduce energy prices by developing more energy from all our available resources. That is why the House of Representatives took action this week to expand domestic energy production—which would increase supply and reduce energy prices for the American people.