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Phil Thomas
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Phil Thomas

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Congress is at it again. House republican leadership stripped the buy American provision out of this bill. American steel is superior to Chinese steel. So why is Speaker Ryan opposed to employing hard-working Americans.
Summary of H.R.5303 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Water Resources Development Act of 2016
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Phil Thomas

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Here's a good response to corporate tax dodgers. I would also add a military security tax to help offset the cost of patrolling shipping lanes.
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Phil Thomas

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Its time to overturn Citizen's United and get foreign influence out of American politics.
With advice from Republican power lawyer Charlie Spies, APIC, a company owned by Chinese nationals, donated $1.3 million to Jeb Bush’s Super PAC.
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Phil Thomas

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This week, the Senate will vote on S amendment 4935, Roberts-Stabenow GMO Labeling. This amendment changes clear labeling enacted by state laws with a QR code. This code requires consumers research each food product to determine GMO content. Multiple polls reflect 90% of Americans want clear, simple labeling of food containing GMOs. S amendment 4935 is another example of federal overreach. All citizens have the right to know what's in their food. Contact your senators and tell them to vote no on S amendment 4935.
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Phil Thomas

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Test your knowledge
See how well you would do on the United States Citizenship Test.
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Phil Thomas

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Once again, the Chamber of Commerce resorts to dishonest techniques, lobbying against a rule that will protect individual investors. 
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Phil Thomas

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Huge potential to impact future elections.
The US Census Bureau is gearing up for its 2020 population count by deploying new technology to boost efficiency and cut costs. But a government watchdog is warning that the modernization efforts could leave the bureau and respondents vulnerable to cyber attacks. For the first time its history, some citizens will be able to respond online to the decennial survey. Census enumerators will also be using mobile devices as they collect demographics ac...
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Phil Thomas

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Using veterans to increase profits for the pharmaceutical industry is despicable. 
Making America pain-free for the greedy corporate class.
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Phil Thomas

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Attached is an example of a Wall Street democrat working against the best interests of the middle-class. Remember, don't just vote along party lines, vote for the candidate that will best represent you.
Mark Warner indicated that lowering corporate tax rates and cutting Social Security were the best hope the rich have of staving off populist revolt.
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Phil Thomas

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The House of Representatives further destroys transparency by voting to hide donor information from the IRS. This act makes it impossible to know what foreign entities are influencing politics in America. 
Summary of H.R.5053 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Preventing IRS Abuse and Protecting Free Speech Act
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Phil Thomas

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As far as corrupting politicians is concerned, the CoC is the most corrosive influence in Washington. Lobbying should be outlawed altogether.
A broad coalition of almost 30 groups has stepped forward to publicly oppose the Chamber.
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Phil Thomas

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Congress doesn't want the public to know what's in CRS reports even though taxpayers fund the reports. 
A research service on Capitol Hill dedicated to keeping Members of Congress up-to-date on policy issues and statistical analyses is again being starved of funding. The $107.9 million proposed for the 2017 budget of the Congressional Research Service (CRS) wouldn’t even cover the agency’s current staffing costs, two Democratic lawmakers stated last week. The House Appropriations Committee approved of the funding level on May 17, in a mark-up vote...
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