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Timothy Collins
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"It doesn’t appear Donald Trump learned anything from his L.L. Bean fiasco last week. He used his Twitter account to promote the retailer, after one of its board members had donated a significant amount of money to his campaign. This prompted the Office of Government Ethics to issue a public reminder that such endorsements by public office holders [sic] rae illegal. But undeterred, Trump is now trying to sell subscriptions to Golf Digest magazine."

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After Price offered his bill to provide Zimmer Biomet and other companies relief from the CMS regulation, the company's political action committee donated to the congressman's reelection campaign, records show.

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So I thought about it and decided "Yeah, the new Nintendo Switch looks good enough that I want to order one". Unfortunately for me, that decision came Sunday morning... and now it seems everyplace is sold out of pre-orders. No problem since, honestly, there is no benefit to pre-oredering it - it's not like you get anything extra for ordering it in advance. But still amazing that it is sold out.

Either Nintendo is doing their normal thing (Supplying product at a dramatically smaller scale than they knew it would sell at to raise the desirability of it) or this is a pretty big success. Probably a bit of both, to be honest.

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This is an odd move...
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