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Jonathan Finn
Editor in Cheif-TheOnlineNewsNetwork
Editor in Cheif-TheOnlineNewsNetwork

Jonathan's posts

"What do we do?"

(Your wrong, I'm not wrong. Notes) The Free Speech Movement. [Now to do something that I know for a fact that your not supposed to do. So, this won't go on the official record because it's Wikipedia. But, I did do a research paper on this. I'm going to have to find that. And cross reference this statement
"In 1958, activist students organized SLATE, a campus political party meaning a "slate" of candidates running on the same level – a same "slate." The students created SLATE to promote the right of student groups to support off-campus issues.["

No -- I don't have to admit it. 

[Not anymore... meaning that they stopped, because they realized.] Charm gets home and I tell her "oh there trying to sour my milk by running all the work that God had to do to create a special moment for me The King."

(Now, back to the pow wow: What to do about The Women?) I say we teach them from an early age.

Don't sour my milk!

K I N G!

(You ruin Super Bowl Commercials when your hungry?) The one before it about Women -- YEP!!! That's a good idea. We should start teaching that. I'm talk to my niece tomorrow about how bleak her life will be.

(Super Bowl 51. Cough....)

(Wrong. I keep hearing this word today. Jon's piece) Alright my right -- I challenge. Let's examine this. Wrong for him to be on the council? Wrong -- Opinion piece illustrating 'a power struggle.'

------- Challenge.
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