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Congressman Darren Soto

Representing the 9th District of Florida

Rep. Darren Soto makes the case for the ACA in his first speech from the floor of the House

January 13, 2017
Press Release
“It’s clear that repeal without replacement equals disaster” - Rep. Darren Soto

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Representative Darren Soto (FL-09) gave his first speech from the House Floor today, defending the rights of millions of Floridians to get quality, affordable healthcare. Soto stands in opposition to the budget resolution repealing the Affordable Care Act. Republicans are preparing to eliminate Obamacare without offering a replacement, which would leave millions uninsured. Soto said:

“Here's my one-minute breakdown on why I oppose repealing Obamacare without replacement. First, this law protects all Americans with pre-existing conditions, second, it keeps all young adults on their parents’ insurance until age 26, and third, it protects all Americans from bankruptcy if they get sick.

Before the Act, millions of Americans were simply kicked off their insurance if these problems arose. We Democrats support keeping these protections for all Americans and the Republicans want to repeal them. We support improving the Act and the Republicans want to eliminate it.

And while many have stoked fear and spread false information for political gain, it's clear that repeal without replacement equals disaster. It will eliminate these protections for all Americans, create chaos for working families, and send our country into another recession.

It's clear we need to improve the Act rather than repeal it. It's time to do the right thing for Floridians and all Americans.”