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Congressman Darren Soto

Representing the 9th District of Florida

Congressman Darren Soto named Assistant Whip of House Democratic Caucus

January 13, 2017
Press Release

Washington, D.C - U.S. Representative Darren Soto of Florida’s 9th Congressional District has just been appointed by Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer to serve as an Assistant Whip for the 115th Congress.

Whip Hoyer said, "I'm excited to announce Congressman Darren Soto is joining my whip team as an Assistant Whip for the 115th Congress.  He is already hard at work representing Floridians in Congress. He will bring an important perspective to the whip operation as a new Member.  He is a rising star in Florida, and I look forward to working with him to support job creation and ensure that the diverse voices and viewpoints of the people living in Central Florida get the full attention they deserve in the next Congress." 

Congressman Soto said, "As Democratic Deputy Whip in the Florida State Senate, I learned firsthand how to work with my colleagues to get things done for the people of Florida and defend our Party’s values. Now, I am honored by the opportunity to work with Whip Hoyer to use these skills in Washington for the greater good of our country."

In this role, Soto will be responsible for assisting the House Democratic leadership with legislative matters on the floor. He is also responsible for keeping his fellow Democratic members informed about upcoming votes and legislation.
