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Congressman John Ratcliffe

Representing the 4th District of Texas

Rep. Ratcliffe votes to condemn and reverse the UN’s anti-Israel resolution

January 5, 2017
Press Release

WASHINGTON – Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) voted today for the U.S. House passage of H.Res. 11, which opposes and calls for the repeal of UNSC Resolution 2334. Contrary to the longstanding United States policy of blocking one-sided resolutions against Israel, the Obama administration allowed Resolution 2334 to pass by refusing to veto it last month.

“Immediately after the Obama administration allowed the UN to pass its anti-Israel resolution, I joined my colleagues in Congress to express my grave concerns about this drastic deviation from America’s longstanding policy of defending our ally, Israel, from such one-sided actions,” Ratcliffe said.

“Today’s vote solidifies our strong stance against the Obama administration’s shameful refusal to stand up on behalf of our most trusted ally in the Middle East, and it lays the foundation for the incoming Trump administration to move swiftly and forcefully to address the negative impact of this irresponsible decision.”

The Obama administration’s unprecedented move not to veto the UN’s anti-Israel resolution came just days after Ratcliffe’s United States-Israel Advanced Research Partnership Act (H.R. 5877) was signed into law. Ratcliffe said he’s looking forward to working with President-elect Trump on opportunities to bolster U.S.-Israel collaboration in the future.

“I’m glad that – unlike President Obama – President-elect Trump openly urged the veto of the UN’s anti-Israel resolution. We need a leader in the White House whose actions will help maintain and improve our relationship with Israel – not risk destabilizing it.”
