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Panetta Appointed to House Agriculture Committee

January 10, 2017
Press Release

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Jimmy Panetta (D-Calif.) released the following statement regarding his appointment to the House Agriculture Committee.

“It’s an honor to serve the Central Coast in Congress and a privilege to join the House Agriculture Committee. Under the leadership of Ranking Member Collin C. Peterson (D-Minn.), I’m looking forward to advocating for specialty crops, organics, animal and plant health, technology to improve sustainability, agriculture research, nutrition and other important issues for Central Coast growers, shippers and farm workers.

“Growing up in Monterey County and as a recent graduate of Focus Agriculture in Santa Cruz County, I know that our area’s agriculture industry is the economic engine for the Central Coast. The Central Coast produces more than 100 specialty crops, more than any other state and valued at over $5 billion annually, which end up on tables across the nation and world.

“In addition to advocating for our region’s agriculture industry on the House Agriculture Committee, I’m looking forward to promoting the issues that are important to our rural communities on the Central Coast, including immigration reform and infrastructure and broadband investments.”