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Congressman Jerry McNerney

Representing the 9th District of California

Rep. McNerney Releases Statement on Upcoming Presidential Inauguration

Jan 17, 2017
Press Release

Stockton, CA – Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-09) issued the following statement regarding the upcoming presidential inauguration.

“I will not be attending the inauguration of President-Elect Donald Trump on January 20th.  Instead, I will be in my district serving my constituents, as I was elected to do. 

“The election of Mr. Trump lacks legitimacy due to Russian hacking, which Mr. Trump encouraged, the FBI’s biased involvement, and other irregularities, and I cannot sanction the inauguration by attending the ceremony. However, because I support the peaceful transition of power and respect the office of the presidency, I will work with the new administration when possible to deliver for my district and move our country forward.” 


Rep. Jerry McNerney proudly serves the constituents of California’s 9th Congressional District that includes portions of San Joaquin, Contra Costa, and Sacramento Counties. For more information on Rep. McNerney’s work, follow him on Facebook and on Twitter @RepMcNerney.